Sunday, January 26, 2020
Mental Health Services And Policy Social Work Essays
Mental Health Services And Policy Social Work Essays Mental Health is thus the emotional and spiritual resilience, which enables us to enjoy life and to survive pain and disappointment and sadness. It is a positive sense of well-being and an underlying belief on our own and others dignity and worth. Recent transnational and national policies on mental health adopt a broader view than the traditional psychiatric model.  This approach is directed at promoting good mental health, preventing mental ill health and ensuring early intervention when mental health problems occur. It involves looking beyond prevention, to the relationship between mental well-being and physical health; behavioural problems; child abuse; violence and drug and alcohol abuse.  In promotion and prevention policies such social determinants as living and working conditions; homelessness; poverty, social networks and support, unemployment and risk taking behaviour are included. In effect it means addressing the mental health impact of public policies, p rogrammes and plans like: Combating homelessness Preventing ghettos and marginalisation Promoting equity Providing safe water, sanitation and shelter Taking care of families with children and their needs Enhancing accessible environments There have been two big changes in mental health services in recent years. The first was the introduction of care in the community. This was meant to enable mental health service users to live in their own homes and neighbourhoods with suitable support instead of going into or staying in hospital. The second is the development of the mental health service survivors movement. This has made it possible for service users to speak for themselves, say what they want and to try and improve the way they are treated. What are the main issues facing this special population, particularly around access, quality, and cost-effective care? Considerable emphasis was given throughout need to rebalance mental health policy to give a higher priority to promotion and, where possible, prevention. Like public health policy more generally, mental health suffers from the emphasis given to acute, hospital-based care, which continues to receive most of the resources and attention. The notion of empowerment receives a great deal of lip service, but deep-seated issues of power and professional status are at stake and should not be ignored. Bringing service users and their families into hitherto closed decision-making practices and arenas can be threatening for professionals and disempowering for the users and families. The process should be transparent and designed to benefit everyone concerned. No single model of care is perfect, although some are clearly more attractive and effective than others. Different countries have different models to offer, and they should embrace diversity as an advantage. Countries should be open to and invest in innovation and change, and search for new ways to tackle familiar problems. There is a need for better information about developments in the Region and for comparative data on European countries where appropriate. Collecting them may be a task for public health observatories, for which a European movement now exists. The need for and importance of learning within and more particularly between countries in the Region was stressed. Well-placed and -equipped to undertake the task of education and to help countries transform knowledge into action. The great bulk of mental disorders are high prevalence disorders such as depression, anxiety, alcohol related disorders and somatiform disorders. These have evidence based treatments. Developments in services should not be stalled by the fact that there are still many unanswered questions. There are plenty of opportunities for true innovation in the primary care metal health arena. The general practice workforce has an important role in managing these disorders but cannot do it alone. Especially in rural areas extra resources need to be spent in provision of accessible services that are evidence based. This needs to encompass the full range of services from specialist psychiatrist services through to support groups, self help manuals and computer based programs. Further development though Divisions needs to be done in a measured way and needs to engage Divisions and their members and meet their agendas firstly. 2. What are some public policies that would support the needs of this special population? Both theoretically and methodologically, health research has recently increasingly focussed on cohesion in communities and societies, peoples integrative needs and action models that promote integration. The level of benefits such as income support is low. Because of this it is crucial for mental health service users who are eligible to secure disability benefits. Although these benefits are important to maintain peoples quality of life, they are generally difficult to get and may be difficult to keep. Mental health services are provided by health and social services through care management and the care programme approach. Underfunding and problems of coordination mean that the support service users receive is often inadequate, inappropriate and unreliable. Unlike most other social care service users, mental health service users/survivors are liable to have their rights restricted and may be subject to legally sanctioned detention, compulsory treatment and control over their lives and opportunities. The government says that care in the community has failed. Present proposals for mental health policy and practice place a special emphasis on the danger and risk from mental health service users and the importance of safeguarding public safety. Provisions for more compulsory treatment, including the extension of compulsion to people living in the community and locking up people labelled as having personality disorder that have not been convicted of any offence, are planned. Clearly, no one policy or program will be sufficient to meet all the needs of those who choose to parent, but a combination of services that fill in the gaps left by modern-day changes to traditional care giving networks can make a significant difference in the lives of individuals and families and lead to improved public health measures. Home visitation programs, if implemented correctly, can be one effective piece of this pie. Service users have so far had little or no say in the governments proposed changes. They fear that these will result in their rights being further restricted and being subjected against their will to damaging treatments. They fear that because of this, many service users will try and avoid mental health services at any cost and be denied any support. They fear that government mental health policy will increase rather than reduce social exclusion as it is meant to.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Vegetation Dynamics In Gravel Bed Rivers Environmental Sciences Essay
Background Gravel-bed rivers support a complex mosaic of both tellurian and aquatic home grounds of singular value for the whole river ecosystem. However, many fluvial system of the universe have been crucially affected by assorted human intercessions such as landuse alterations, torrent-control work and dike edifice, and crushed rock excavation ( Surian & A ; Rinaldi, 2003 ) . These recent alterations led to the break of the really complex channel morphology typical of braided systems, which in bend strongly affects their ecological position and their ability to incorporate inundation flows. Different human intercessions ( deposit excavation, channelisation, dikes, re-afforestation and downpour control works ) have been identified as the causes of channel accommodations in Italian rivers ( Surian and Rinaldi, 2003 ; Surian et al. , 2009 ) . For an overview on the causal factors such river development, see besides Liebault and Piegay ( 2002 ) . Human impacts on river systems normally cause rapid and widespread channel incision/narrowing or aggradation/widening as a effect of fluctuations in flows, deposit government, and boundary conditions ( Surian et al. , 2009 ) . Overall, few surveies ( e.g. Surian et al. , 2009 ) confirmed a complex recent stage of accommodation that took topographic point over the last 15-20 old ages. Channel broadening has become the dominant procedure in most of the survey reaches but channel narrowing is still ongoing in some ranges. Channel broadening has taken placed without important bed-level fluctuations in some ranges of the Brenta river, in Italy ( Surian & A ; Cisotto, 2007 ) . Besides, it is still an unfastened inquiry if all the rivers underwent this recent stage of accommodation or, as proposed for rivers in France ( Piegay et al. , 2004 ) , recent channel alterations may be considered short-run fluctuations related to specific inundation events, instead than existent long-run accommodat ions. Overall, an effectual river Restoration is now recognized to be desperately needed for most of the affected Alpine rivers, and the actions must be based on reconstructing fluvial procedures and their natural kineticss. Such an attack ( which is besides enforced by the EU Water Framework Directive ) must be therefore based on a scientifically sound cognition of sediment conveyance and morphodynamics procedures undergoing on human-impacted crushed rock bed rivers ( Dufour & A ; Piegay, 2009 ) . The overall purpose of the proposed undertaking is to research the recent morphodynamic tendencies of two Italian gravel-bed rivers characterized by different grades of human impacts, placing and measuring the synergistic effects of flora kineticss and morphological alterations evaluated utilizing fresh geoinformatics techniques.AimsThe chief aims of the proposed survey is to measure the recent ( & lt ; 20 old ages ) evolutionary tendency of the Brenta and Piave river in northeasterly portion of Italy in order to: To develop an apprehension of the morphodynamics of the both rivers with regard to selected parametric quantities such as channel width, lift, lacing index, island tenancy, and active channel country ; To measure the yesteryear and present morphological alterations of the two rivers based on natural and human induced alteration ; To measure the interlinked relationship between the active channel and flora kineticss ; To develop direction options for Restoration and preservation for the both rivers towards resilient river home ground every bit good as next bio-diversity ( riparian flora ) .Material and methodsThe research will be carried out in the intermediate crushed rock bed sections of the Piave and Brenta rivers ( North Eastern Italy, Fig. 1 ) . The two basins are comparable in footings of size, clime, geological scenes, and flora ; likewise, the two rivers in the survey reaches present a historically similar braided/wandering channel form with interspersed vegetated islands. However, the two rivers differ sing the degree of human impacts. To carry through the chief aims of the undertaking, three sets of variables of the both rivers will be studied like ( 1 ) chief drive variables ( 2 ) boundary conditions and ( 3 ) adjusting variables or channel signifier. The methodological analysiss range from distant feeling to field measurings, harmonizing to the spacial and temporal graduated tables under probe. Three spacial graduated tables will be considered, runing from big ( i.e. , 25-30 kilometer ) , intermediate ( i.e, 1-2 kilometer ) and little ( i.e. , 10-100 m ) . Related to these, two temporal graduated tables will be addressed, embracing medium-term channel development ( & lt ; 20 years, related to channel-forming discharges ) and shorter-term alterations ( related to individual events ) . The techniques deployed comprise reading of oblique and perpendicular ( aerial ) exposure, analysis LiDAR information by GIS package, flora field studies, structural studies of river channels, topographic surveying by DGPS, photogra phic and sieve analysis of deposit grain size, and statistical analysis of hydrological and land usage clip series. Figure 1: Location of the survey sites. In order to transport out the proposed research, the undermentioned undertakings will be considered every bit good as carried out: To place morphological characteristics: Geomorphic procedure of the both rivers will be identified every bit good as quantified utilizing temporal high declaration orbiter image, aerial exposure and LiDAR imagination. Present and possible position of eroding and accumulation point in assorted locations of the both river will be analyzed every bit good. To place riverine flora: Vegetation is an of import constituent in the proposed survey. From the proposed datasets, flora coverage along the rivers will be identified utilizing appropriate flora algorithms. Damaged flora will place and quantify from a set of temporal satellite datasets. Topographical analysis: Digital lift theoretical account ( DEM ) , Digital terrain theoretical account ( DTM ) from LiDAR and tellurian informations will be used to mensurate incline and analyses the plumbing of the rivers in this undertaking. Furthermore, cross-section and longitudinal profile of the rivers will be analyzed by direct field with DGPS and hand-held instruments. Field study: Significant field study will be carried out throughout the project- Sedimentlogical study in both surface and sub-surface majority samples Geomorphological study for image informations proof along with observation of channel alterationsExpected results and strategic impacts of the undertakingThe chief expected end products of the research will be as follows: To analyse recent tendencies of channel narrowing and scratch, every bit good as channel constellation, of both rivers, associating different morphodynamic tendencies to different human impacts ; To associate alterations of flora countries along the both rivers to different morphodynamic development tendencies ; To measure tendencies of sediment conveyance and morphological development on both rivers ; To developed action programs for long-run Restoration and direction in the both rivers. Gravel-bed river systems are under force per unit area worldwide. Considerable dismay has been expressed about the environmental direct and indirect impacts of human activities, and great attempts are presently employed to develop a new array of sustainable direction schemes for gravel-bed ecosystems. Since anthropogenetic influences have impacted the morphodynamics of river systems, one of the major boundary conditions found in fluvial systems has been changed significantly, viz. the deposit budget ( Habersack & A ; Schober, 2005 ) . Retention of deposits in the upper portion of the basin ( dikes and reservoirs ) and gravel extraction from the average portion of the rivers have increased the disagreement between sediment supply and conveyance capacity, with terrible jobs of bed debasement and ecological impacts. In order to accomplish a good river ecological position by the 2015, harmonizing to the European Water Framework Directive ( WFD ) , the deposit budget has to be restored in the long term. This creates a strong demand to better the apprehension and direction of deposits kineticss. Besides, the high spatio-temporal variableness of deposit and flora kineticss in gravel-bed rivers is non sufficiently considered in inundation hazard appraisal, besides because there are still considerable scientific uncertainnesss due to the deficiency of long-run incorporate field measurings of such fluvial procedures. For this ground, the proposed undertaking is focused on a subject where the demand for farther research is really relevant for the direction of gravel-bed rivers environments and the efficient and well-directed usage of the limited H2O resource.Essential mentionsDufour, S. , Piegay, H. , 2009. From the myth of a lost Eden to targeted river Restoration: bury natural mentions and concentrate on human benefits. River Research and Applications 25 ( 5 ) , 568-581. Liebault, F. , Piegay, H. , 2002. Causes of twentieth century channel contracting in mountain and Piedmont Rivers of Southeastern France. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 27, 425-444. Piegay, H. , Walling, D.E. , Landon, N. , He, Q. , Liebault, F. , Petiot, R. , 2004. Contemporary alterations in sediment output in an alpine mountain basin due to afforestation ( the upper Drome in France ) . Catena 55, 183-212. Surian N, Rinaldi M. 2003. Morphologic response to river technology and direction in alluvial channels in Italy. Geomorphology, 50, 307-326. Surian, N. , Cisotto A. , 2007. Channel accommodations, bedload conveyance and deposit beginnings in a gravel-bed river, Brenta River, Italy. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 32, 1641:1656. Surian, N. , Ziliani, L. , Comiti, F. , Lenzi, M.A. , Mao, L. 2009b. Channel accommodations and change of deposit fluxes in gravel-bed rivers of Northeastern Italy: potencies and restrictions for channel recovery. River Research and Applications 25, 551- 567.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
douglas and mcgregors theories - 2418 Words
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory Maslow, Abraham. 1908-1970. American psychologist and a founder of humanistic psychology who developed a hierarchical model of human motivation, in which a higher need, ultimately that for self-actualisation, is expressed only after lower needs are fulfilled. Self-actualisation needs Self-actualization is the fulfilment of the person’s dreams and aspirations. â€Å"Even if all these needs are satisfied, we may still often (if not always) expect that a new discontent and restlessness will soon develop, unless the individual is doing what he or she, individually, is fitted for. Musicians must make music, artists must paint, poet’s must write if they are to be ultimately at peace with themselves. What†¦show more content†¦If the physiological needs are relatively well gratified, there then emerges a new set of needs, which we may categorize roughly as the safety needs.†For British Gas, health, safety and security of their employees is their priority. Their occupational health teams and well established systems are gathered to support a worker in maintaining a productive and healthy life with their company. It is a company that makes a good workplace. Inside the firm, the image is very rosy, with staff among the happiest on the country list. The company also has a reputation for paying well (last year it ranked third overall in that category) and for high levels of job satisfaction. They offer an employee discount for energy prices, healthy eating plan. It also includes healthy-living resources for staff working in a variety of environments, including those based in offices and those working in the field. EDF offers flexible working arrangements, generous levels of maternity and adoption pay, career breaks. Pensions at EDF Energy employees with a final salary pension scheme, which is often seen as the gold standard in pension provision. Running this scheme means our employees can plan for their retirement with confidence. They also provide protection for your family upon your retirement by providing pensions for your dependents and life assurance at four times your pensionable pay, bonus schemes. TheyShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Douglas Mcgregor s Theory And Management Theory829 Words  | 4 Pages Douglas McGregor has become known as one of the most influential people who studied how workers behaviors affect the managers’ leadership strategy. McGregor was a pioneer in behavioral management theory paying attention to how to become more efficient and effective. During his research he proposed two sets of assumptions about how work attitudes and behaviors not only dominate the way managers think but also affect how they behave in organizations. Douglas McGregor coined these assumptions asRead MoreLeadership Style : Douglas Mcgregor s Theory X767 Words  | 4 PagesBefore we examine the core characteristics of autocratic leadership in terms of the four key characteristics of the theory and the way autocratic leadership can manifest, it’s auspicious to consider the theoretical basis of the leadership style: Douglas McGregor’s Theory X. Theory X Autocratic leadership style closely rests on the assumptions made in Douglas McGregor’s Theory X. The theory explains why people behave the way they do and if they are acting in a particular way, what kind of leadershipRead MoreAnalysis Of Douglas Mcgregor s Theory X And Y2331 Words  | 10 PagesManagerial Assumptions. This assessment will give insight in my orientation toward Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Y. ACCEL (2016), McGregor’s theories X and Y are based on social science research which has been carried out, and demonstrate the potential which is present in an individual that organizations should recognize in order to become more effective. McGregor sees these two theories as two quite separate attitudes. Theory Y is difficult to put into practice on the shop floor in large mass productionRead MoreComparing Management Theories Of Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo And Douglas Mcgregor2051 Words  | 9 PagesCompare and contrast the manag ement theories of Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo and Douglas McGregor. In what sense(s) are these theories similar and/or compatible? In what sense(s) are these theories dissimilar and/or incompatible? How would a contingency theorist reconcile the points of dissimilarity and/or incompatibility between these approaches? The twentieth century has brought in a number of management theories which have helped shaped our view of management in the presentRead MoreManagement in the 1900s were developed from two types of style theories. Douglas McGregor600 Words  | 3 Pagesstyle theories. Douglas McGregor (1906–1964) had become frustrated with the early simplistic human relations notions while president of Antioch College in Ohio (Draft, 2013, p.47). McGregor formulated Theory X and Theory Y(Draft, 2013, p.47). Theory X tends to be â€Å"old-style†management, and Theory Y â€Å"new-style,†because the styles are based on different assumptions about people (Draft, 2013, p.37). Strong Theory X assumptions are typically considered inappropriate for todays workplace. McGregor proposedRead MoreCompare The Management Theories Of Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo And Douglas Mcgregor1855 Words  | 8 Pagesand Henri Fayol generating management theories such as Taylor’ S cientific Management and Fayol’s Administrative Management. In the late 1920’s and early 1930’s the Hawthorne studies were conducted where Elton Mayo was the predominate figure and contributed to the Behavioural viewpoint. This brought about a Human Relations Movement which included Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y approach. Similarities and differences can be found between the theories due to the relevant time period they wereRead MoreAnalysis Of Douglas Mcgregor s Theory X And Theory Y And Robert Houses Leaderships Based On Traits And Path Goal1828 Words  | 8 PagesThis paper will focus on leadership styles Contingency Model, Douglas McGregor’s Theory X, and Theory Y and Robert Houses Leaderships based on traits and Path-Goal Leadership Theory. These theories focus on the qualities distinguished between leaders and employees, while other leadership theories looked at aspects like situations and skills. If you ask multiple people, th eir definition of what a leader is you will get multiple answers. Leadership is an action, being able to collaborate with othersRead MoreDouglas Mcgregor Developed Two Theories That Help Us Understand The Relationship Between People The Organization They Work828 Words  | 4 Pages Douglas McGregor developed two theories that help us understand the relationship between people the organization they work for, both based on assumptions a leader will have (Owens Valesky, 2011, pp. 17-18). 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The twentieth century has brought in a number of management theories which have helped shaped our view of management in the presentRead MoreCompare and Contrast the Management Theories of Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo and Douglas Mcgregor. in What Sense(S) Are These Theories Similar and/or Compatible? in What Sense(S) Are These Theories Dissimilar and/or Compatible? How Wo...1899 Words  | 8 Pagesand Henri Fayol generating management theories such as Taylor’ Scientific Management and Fayol’s Administrative Management. In the late 1920’s and early 1930’s the Hawthorne studies were conducted where Elton Mayo was the predominate figure and contributed to the Behavioural viewpoint. This brought about a Human Relations Movement which included Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y approach. Similarities and differences can be found between the theories due to the relevant time period they were
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