Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Government Spending, Deficits, and Keynesian Economics Essay -- Econom
A developing government is inverse to America’s monetary premiums on the grounds that the different techniques for financing a legislature - assessments, acquiring, and printing cash have unsafe impacts upon the economy. There are numerous reasons why there is a high shortage in the United States, for example, broad spending. This is genuine in light of the fact that administration spending is regularly financially dangerous, paying little heed to how it is financed. There are numerous reasons for the consistent development in U.S. exchange shortfalls. There are numerous individuals are against the high deficiencies particularly financial experts. â€Å"Economists characterize government intercession in the remote trade showcase as the purchasing or selling of outside trade to control the conversion scale. â€Å"(Case, pg. 398) Economists would concur that there are circumstances which lower levels of government spending would improve monetary development and different circumstances in which more elevated levels of government spending would be satisfying. Financial analysts will for the most part concur that administration spending turns into a weight. Financial analysts feel as if by raising the deficiency we are going through cash the economy doesn't. Whenever United States would raise duties to help take care of the deficiency that would not work since such a large number of Americans are jobless. Likewise, they accept that raising the GDP taken by the state area negatively affects the development of the private part of the economy. Despite the fact that the economy could profit by the spending deficiency, for example, fi nancial development, the business analysts would prefer not to take a risk on that. Likewise, a few financial experts are additionally worried that higher getting by the legislature may likewise straightforwardly bring about decreased usage spending. They contend families perceive that higher current government acquiring results in highe... ...ful spending since it is negatively affecting our future, our children’s future, and our children’s kids future. Works Cited 1. Case. Standards of Macroeconomics, ninth Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions 2. United States Economy - Monetary and Fiscal Policy. Country Studies. U.S. Branch of State. Web. 15 Aug. 2011. . 3. Mitchell, Dr. Daniel. The Impact of Government Spending on Economic Growth. Conservative Policy Research and Analysis. 15 Mar. 2005. Web. 16 Aug. 2011. . 4. Pettinger, Tejvan. Money related Policy versus Fiscal Policy | Economics Blog. Economics Help - Helping to Simplify Economics. Web. 09 Aug. 2011. .
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Apples Competition Strategy in a Global Market
Question: Talk about theApples Competition Strategy in a Global Market. Answer: Presentation Thre are an assortment of procedures that organizations receive to stay serious in a Global market. Apple incorporates item blend, item includes, notoriety just as connections to different firms to achieve a high situating in contrast with its rivals. The foundation of a notoriety for being an inventive organization on account of Apple was because of offering a choice of simple to utilize items that manage a wide scope of portions. Since the presentation of the first iPhone just as different items, the organization has procured an ever-developing number of supporters due to the companys capacity to offer items that are inventive and simple to use in the midst of fast mechanical progressions. This paper looks to distinguish manners by which the organization has deliberately situated itself to get to the specialty showcase just as the effect of Strategic partnerships to the firm. Apples Unique Differentiation Strategy Item separation has monetary worth particularly for ventures working in a monopolistic rivalry. The essential monetary incentive with respect to item separation happens because of diminished natural dangers. Item separation costs go about as a section boundary along these lines decreasing the new contestants danger (Johnson, 2012). Remarkably, a firm needs to manage the expense of business standard just as the expenses related with beating separation inborn in the occupant. Because of the specific idea of organizations seeking after business sectors that are specialty, there is little danger of competition among the business players. Apple endeavors to pick up showcase interest for every one of its items through item separation. In a perfect world, this involves making the companys items alluring and one of a kind to the clients. Apples items are intended to set the guidelines contrasted with different rivals in a similar industry (MEYER, 2016). Despite high rivalry, Apples items rem ain profoundly requested therefore giving the firm capacity to direct costs by means of creative publicizing, item separation, new item publicity, just as guarantee brand dedication. By focusing on a specialty market of a customer base ready to pay more just as upkeep of a superior cost at the unit volume cost, the organization set a counterfeit passage obstruction limiting section into the specific market. This has seen the organization develop its piece of the overall industry in the United States and China as well as over the globe. Apples Vertical Integration Strategy Apple has an upper hand because of vertical combination as it controls producing, makes its chips, works in a biological system that is almost shut including exclusive retail locations, just as observing amazingly severe guidelines of programming. Because of these favorable circumstances, Apple has more control of the companys esteem chain just as its segment costs. Apple has one of the most addictive, mainstream, just as firmly fused biological systems of the considerable number of organizations in the innovation industry(Nasr, 2014). The product and gadgets created by Apple are intended to work productively with one another and adjust effortlessly making media and inclinations simple to duplicate or offer with various gadgets. Applications deal with various gadgets simultaneously and UIs are comparable. A firm endeavors to make system natural for its activity a supported upper hand. Basically, for this to occur, the methodology of item separation that is financially significant should likewise be hard to mimic, uncommon, and the association must have the assets to endeavor such a strategy(Nielsen, 2014). In situations where there are less organizations separating than the quantity of organizations fundamental for flawless rivalry elements, such a methodology is uncommon. Occurrences where there is no immediate, simple duplication or simple substitutes, at that point such a system is hard to mimic. Tim Cook echoes those of Steve Jobs whose procedures included four columns which included contribution few items, making a radiance impact; therefore causing the clients to starve for new items, offering need to benefit rather than piece of the pie and concentrating on top of the line quality products(Nielsen, 2014). The organization sells its items just as outsider items legitimately to clients and little and medium Businesses by means of the companys online stores, direct deals power and retail locations. The organizations gracefully chain is loved as extraordinary compared to other consequently arriving at a worldwide market while they are still high popular. Significance of Strategic Alliances for Apple Company In a basic survey of past choices, proof recommends that there is financial incentive in key unions. Before, Apple had the chance to share cost and oversee hazard, encourage implicit intrigues, just as oversee vulnerability through Strategic collusions with key mechanical firms. Key coalitions stay a substantial wellspring of financial incentive in an industry portrayed by systems administration (Johnson, 2012). Overseeing vulnerability, sharing expenses, just as overseeing dangers are on the whole wellsprings of monetary worth comparative in all ventures. Actually, scientists have voiced solid certainty to Alliances working with insights demonstrating the organizations with that progressively joint endeavors across organization activities had higher market esteem (Johnson, 2012). Be that as it may, Apple ought to have distinguished the criticalness of vital partnerships prior. Associations that are growing or going into new markets limit their presentation to political and advertise hazard by taking part in key collusions with different firms in their objective market. Eminently, this is on the grounds that neighborhood associations have understanding just as a comprehension of the nearby laws, social just as customs atmosphere in the objective market. Such associations work effectively in situations where the accomplices portfolios praise with one another (Yeung, 2016). When organizing vital collusions, it is imperative that an organization thinks about whether such unions are value or non-value. Quite, a non-value partnership between organizations ought to have express lawful and agreements authorizations to encourage business activities. There are numerous advantages related with Strategic coalitions. Different advantages incorporate RD assets and IP rights, getting to new advancements, improving the progression of materials and lifecycle of items, enhancing administrations and items, decrease of overhead and authoritative expenses, just as making tasks agiler. There are various articles with respect to the cons and geniuses of vital coalitions. All things considered, a fair viewpoint stays imperative. Prominently, organizations with showcasing and assembling coalitions, progressively joint endeavors, just as different types of joint endeavors have essentially higher market esteems in contrast with organizations without any types of associations. In that capacity, organizations working in the innovative businesses require such dares to expand its value(Masi, 2009). In a perfect world, during a time of availability just as the associated economy, having joint endeavors with different organizations particularly in a si milar industry as the firm altogether decreases dangers emerging from passage into a dubious market with existing players. On account of Apple, the organization has in the past disregarded vital unions A specific models it where the organization would not permit its working framework, the Mac OS for dissemination. The companys techniques were insufficient, having neglected to permit the Mac OS to a Third gathering Manufacturing firm that would have seen the Operating framework being utilized on any PC separated from their own. As indicated by Steve Wozniak, fellow benefactor of Apple, the organization was an equipment organization with the best working framework in the market. Be that as it may, Apple organization stored its working framework wherein case, to procure the product, one needed to buy the equipment at practically twofold the value (Johnson, 2012). Regardless of the way that Apple had the best working framework at that point, the expense of its items made it profoundly ugly to most by far of customers and its capacity to increases a wide market entrance. Then again, if Apple had authorized th e working framework, today, the organization would have been the greatest mechanical organization in the business outperforming Microsoft. End All in all Apples Unique separation technique and premium valuing of its items have assumed a major job in making a wide market for its items. Being at the cutting edge of enhancing quality and trendsetting items empowers the items to build up their market base. The view of prevalence of Apple items due over their estimating and quality combined with the advancement of a restrictive eco-framework permits the organization to remain exceptionally situated in the psyches of its clients in contrast with contenders. Concerning vital coalitions, Apple understands that key unions in numerous perspectives gives the organization a more grounded base for advancement just as become productive in its activities. While the organization didn't promptly acknowledge partnerships, to start with, Apple has come to welcome the focal points related with vital coalitions. References Johnson,K. (2012).The Innovative Success that is Apple, Inc(Master's theory, Marshall University ). Recovered from https://mds.marshall.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1420context=etd Maiga,E. (2016). Contextual investigation on Apple's Business Strategies. Recovered from https://unt.academia.edu/ElKoubouraMaiga Masi, B. (2009). Key Analysis of Apple Inc.Capstone Strategy Course (MGT440), Professor Linda Cohen, Barney School of Business, University of Hartford. MEYER,P. (2016). Apples Generic Strategy Intensive Growth Strategies - Panmore Institute. Recovered from https://panmore.com/apple-inc-conventional methodology concentrated development procedures Nasr,R. (2014). Apple's victory achievement in China: What it did well, and what US organizations can gain from it. Recovered from https://www.cnbc.com
Saturday, August 1, 2020
The Unreliable Narrator Definition, Examples, and How to Make It Work
The Unreliable Narrator Definition, Examples, and How to Make It Work From Edgar Allan Poes Tell-Tale Heart to Gillian Flynns Gone Girl, the authors use of an unreliable narrator is one of the most fascinating literary devices used in storytelling. While there have been unreliable narrators dating back to the work of the Ancient Greek playwright, Aristophanes, the term was coined by Wayne C. Booth in his book, The Rhetoric of Fiction.What is an unreliable narrator?An unreliable narrator is one that is not to be fully believed. His or her credibility is compromised due to some admission of insanity or an obviously false claim that the reader knows is incorrect, or due to the story revealing information about the narrator that makes the reader question the believability of claims made.The unreliable narrator as a literary device can be used for dramatic effect to create an ending with a twist (such as Gone Girl), or can be merely hinted at by other characters as a way to make the reader question if the narrator should be trusted. However it is used and r evealed, having an unreliable narrator is an excellent way for an author to psychologically thrill his or her audience. Nothing can be taken at face value. And if the narrator, the primary voice of the story cant be trustedâ€"then who can?The use of the unreliable narrator is also a reminder that any story told from first person point of view has limitations. In reality, all humans are unreliable narrators. Whenever a person recalls an experience, the recollection is subjective and might not include all relevant detailsâ€"either because the details were missed entirely, or were forgotten in the time that passed between the event and the later description of it. Some people forget or omit details as a type of self-preservation. Others do it to avoid negative consequences. Still others omit details simply because they didnt notice them.Gillian Flynns Gone Girl is an example of an unreliable narrator.Types of unreliable narratorsIn his book Picaros, Madmen, Naifs, and Clowns: The Unrel iable First-Person Narrator, author William Riggan explored the types of first-person unreliable narrators often seen in literature. He narrowed it down to the following list:The PÃcaroThis is a narrator who is prone to exaggeration and bragging and is unreliable due to his or her tendency for tall tales. Some examples include Moll Flanders in the novel by the same name written by Daniel Defoe, Simplicius Simplicissimus by Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen, and Felix Krull from the unfinished German novel, Confessions of Felix Krull by Thomas Mann.The MadmanThis is a narrator who has a mental disorder resulting in dissociation, schizophrenia or paranoia. Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk gave us one of the best examples of this type of unreliable narrator in the discovery that the insomniac narrator and Tyler Durden were one and the same. Some other examples are Franz Kafkas narrators, Barbara Covett in Notes on a Scandal, Charles Kinbote in Pale Fire, and Patrick Bateman in Br et Easton Ellis American Psycho.The ClownThis is a narrator who toys with the truth and the readers expectations. Examples of this type of unreliable narrator include Tristram Shandy in The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman by Laurence Sterne.The NaïfThis type of unreliable narrator is a narrator with a limited understanding or point of view. One of the best examples of this is Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. Other examples of naïves include Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn, Holden Caulfield, from J. D. Salingers 1951 novel The Catcher in the Rye, and Jack from Emma Donoghues novel, Room.The LiarThis is a narrator who purposefully lies to the audience. John Dowell in Ford Madox Fords The Good Soldier is an example of this type of unreliable narrator.Some unreliable narrators are a mix of several of these categories. For example, in A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess, the narrator is Alex, a depraved and violent psychopathic adolescent who has no desire to change. In thi s sense, he is the antihero of the story and represents an unreliable narrator who admits to his deception, so is The Liar (based on Riggans types). Its made clear that he is manipulating the reader, especially with his use of the term brothers when addressing his audience. His constant drug use and seeming mental instability, along with a fictional jargon called Nasdat to manipulate and lie to other characters, paints him as unreliable from the beginning of the narration (and thus, also The Madman).Alex from Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange is an unreliable narrator on many different levels.Outside of Riggans types of unreliable narrators, the following can also be found in modern literature.The narrator who evades the truth out of self-preservationA good example of this type of unreliable narrator is Pi Patel, the narrator of Yann Martels Life of Pi. He tells a story of being adrift at sea and sharing his lifeboat with a zebra, orangutan, hyena, and tiger. When his story is ques tioned for its implausibility, his rescuers (and thus, the reader) learns of another version of the story in which he is adrift at sea with his mother, a sailor, and the ships cook. The rescuers find connections between the two versions of the story and choose to accept the version with the animals, understanding that the alternative (and more likely version) would have been extremely traumatic for the boy.The narrator who doesnt know all of the truthRachel in The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins is an example of this type of unreliable narrator due to her frequent alcohol-induced blackouts and her lies to other characters. Her explanation of her whereabouts is unreliable and her connection to the mystery of the novel is questioned due to her loss of memory due to drinking. In this sense, she doesnt quite fall into Riggans category of The Naïf, but her perspective and memory are indeed limited.How to use the unreliable narrator in your writingIf youve chosen to write a story with an unreliable narrator, youre on the right track. Writers have been using this exciting literary device to create blockbuster stories for centuries, and it is still as exciting as it has ever been for readers to discover that the narrator might not be trustworthy (or might be completely crazy). Put simplyâ€"its a great way to hook your audience and create a compelling, memorable character.Here are a few tips for using an unreliable narrator as a literary device in your writing:Make your narrator seem very cleverWe all know that for a lie to work, careful planning is often needed. Liars have to cover all the bases and intuit how their lies might be discovered, by whom, and how to avoid that happening. This is why, particularly if your narrator is the type who lies on purpose, making him or her incredibly clever and intelligent is the easiest way to pull off turning them into a memorable unreliable narrator. In the real world (as in, outside of fiction), liars must work hard and plan carefully to keep their lie from being discovered.Make your narrator do something out of characterWhen your narrator, who is normally a fine, upstanding citizen, suddenly does something out of character, their reliability is immediately called into question. Having them do something that surprises the reader is a great way to set up an unreliable narratorâ€"especially if you dont plan to wait until the end to make the unreliability part of the storys twist.Consider making your narrator the bad guyFrom A Clockwork Orange to American Psycho, having an unreliable narrator who is also a villain is a great way to set up a fascinating story. The trick to this is making sure your narrator is also likable. There have to be some redeeming qualities or some reason for your audience to keep turning pages, otherwise youll lose your readers attention quickly.Make your narrator authenticIf you are toying with the trust of your readers by using an unreliable narrator, it is especially important t o keep your narrator authentic and believable. While many unreliable narrators are narcissists, pathological liars, and/or mentally unstable, staying within an authentic framework when creating them will keep your readers engaged. Even narcissists have a predictable pattern, and various mental illnesses display certain symptoms that should be evident if this is the direction you plan to take with your narrator as a character.However you plan to use an unreliable narrator, whether to add depth to his or her character or to create a surprise twist at the end of your story, dont reveal too much too soon. Readers automatically assume that the narrator is telling the truth and enjoy the surprise when they learn their preconceived notions arent exactly correct. The unreliable narrator is a great storytelling device when used correctly and should be explored by every writer at some point in his or her writing career. Youll have as much fun creating one as your readers will have reading his or her unreliable tales.
Friday, May 22, 2020
A Summary On Action Plan - 2052 Words
Summary of Action Plan This information was gathered in an interview with Andrea Williams, Principal of Theresa Bunker Elementary School. The action plan most recently implemented was the Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) for the 2015-2016 school year. This is the strategic action plan that is required by the state each year. The district sets forth goals each year with input from the principals in June. The schools in this district start each year planning the CIP for the current school year. This plan has 5 goals included in the plan. The first goal is that 75% of students in K-3 will score proficient on the state’s reading inventory assessment. A second goal is for 75% of students in 3rd-6th to meet or exceed the state’s percent proficient in the state’s ELA and Math standardized tests. A third goal is for students in 1st-6th to show growth by having an SGP score of 40 or higher on the spring testing of the STAR math and reading. A fourth goal is to have 100 percent of teac hers participate in the PLC process for 60 minutes per week to focus on the 4 essential questions. The final goal is to have 85% of students being successful in school using only the Tier I PBIS strategies used by the classroom teachers. This action plan included strategies, action steps, and resources as well as a timeline for completing the implementation of this plan. The action steps for this plan included implementing new curriculum with fidelity, scheduling 150 minutes per week ofShow MoreRelatedSummary: Action, Definition, and Plan Design for D2L Learning Management System1066 Words  | 4 PagesAction Definition and Plan Design for the Desire2Learn (D2L) Learning Management System Overview The orchestration of project costs, risks, time and resource constraints to attain a successful D2L learning management system implementation needs to stay aligned to the original system goals and objectives for the system to deliver value. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Ethical Dilemmas Of An Ethical Dilemma - 1756 Words
â€Å"An ethical dilemma is a situation in which an individual is compelled to choose between two actions that will affect the welfare of a sentient being, and both actions are reasonably justified as being good†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Butts Rich, 2016, p. 55). In everyday nursing practice, many nurses are faced with various ethical dilemmas that occur between patients, their family, and healthcare professionals. Many healthcare professionals work on common goals to provide patients with the safest and highest quality care. However, some doctors’ poor or bad orders lead nurses into ethical dilemmas that are not evidence-based practice or are not consistent with the nursing standards of practice. Following the doctor’s order can risk patients’ safety, which also violates ethical principles such as beneficence and nonmaleficence. However, in a clinical environment, nurses’ practices are deeply intertwined with doctors’ practices in the delivery of health car e, which requires collaboration in each profession. As a registered nurse, when faced with this situation, I experienced an ethical conflict of what to put first: patient safety or friendly relationships with doctors. The purpose of this paper is to identify ethical dilemmas that can arise between a nurse and a doctor due to a doctor’s poor practices that threaten patients’ well-being and safety. This paper also deals with how to solve this conflict with respect for each other’s professions. Toren and Wagner (2010) suggest that nursesShow MoreRelatedEthical Dilemmas Of The Workplace1538 Words  | 7 Pages1. Discuss an ethical dilemma that you have had to face in the workplace. Ethical dilemmas often occur when a manager or an employee is faced with two or more conflicting choices. Give as many facts and details as possible in describing your dilemma. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Becoming a Better Leader Free Essays
â€Å"You can’t polish a sneaker – an ugly sneaker is an ugly sneaker. †When applied to a leader, some people might think that a good leader is born. However, history has shown that leaders are not exactly born. We will write a custom essay sample on Becoming a Better Leader or any similar topic only for you Order Now While observers are inclined to believe that every individual has innate capabilities of becoming a leader, not everybody is able to develop them. Biographies of great leaders show that their willingness and creativity in addressing the demands of their environment helped develop their capabilities. A classic example was Gandhi of India who did nothing grand but was able to move millions of his countrymen to action. By simply staying at home and using his loom to weave his clothing materials, he was able to show that it was possible for India to develop its own industry and become independent of Great Britain (Blagg and Young, 2001). A good leader should not only learn to say no and â€Å"I don’t know. †He or she should have the courage to tell people the hard realities no matter how adverse, but should be able to help them cope with such realities. As John Kotter once said, â€Å"Great leadership does not mean running away from reality†¦Sometimes the hard truths might just demoralize the company, but at other times sharing difficulties can inspire people to take action that will make the situation better†(Blagg and Young, 2001). Leadership, therefore, involves meeting issues head-on and calling a spade a spade. It is true that a good leader attracts criticisms. He who is never criticized is not doing anything substantial or creative. Who was it who said that â€Å"One can’t please everybody? †Since harsh criticisms come from people who were not pleased or were threatened by one’s actions, surely others must have been satisfied or gratified. It might be a cliche but it is true that a coin has two sides. In like manner, an expert at the Harvard Business School was once quoted as saying that â€Å"There are lots of people who look and act like managers, who have excellent managerial skills, and who don’t make a lot of noise. Nobody is writing cover stories about them†(Joseph Badaracco as cited in Blagg and Young, 2001). An individual who is never censured, reproached, or appreciated, even if he or she is a manager is not a leader. He is somebody who is not exceptional – someone who is simply mediocre. Reference Blagg, D. Young, S. (2001). What Makes A Good Leader. Harvard Business School Bulleting. Retrieved February 17, 2008 from http://www. alumni. hbs. edu/bulletin/2001/february/leader. html How to cite Becoming a Better Leader, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Nuclear Waste Essays (565 words) - Radioactive Waste,
Nuclear Waste The United States alone produces an average volume of commercial low-level radioactive waste of about 500,000 cubic feet each year. That is a lot of waste! This comes from a variety of places. Mainly though, it is produced by nuclear power plants. This waste brings up a problem though. It is difficult to dispose of radioactive materials for two reasons. One, some radioactive materials last for thousands of years. Two, most radioactive materials are hazardous and can't be stored with conventional means. Currently, there are a few proposals that have been made to combat this problem. These include near-surface facilities, mined cavities, and geological repositories. In the past, some countries dumped radioactive waste into the sea. This is extremely hazardous to the environment. Recently though, more practical ideas have been made to bury the waste. Before the material is even considered for storage or disposal, it must be properly packaged. This includes packing it into steel drums or concrete containers. These containers are expected to provide physical containment for at least a thousand years. If the waste is in a liquid state, it must be placed on a special abosrbitent type of material and then placed into the containers. The next step would be to transport the containers to the burial site. There are several different types of diposal facilities proposed. One is a near-surface facility. This facility is located within a few tens of meters from the surface. These facilities include trenches, and engineered vaults. Another proposal is mined cavities. These facilities are constructed inside mines and caverns. They are either man-made or natural. The last proposal is called a geological repository. These sites are located more than several hundred meters below the surface in a stable geological formation(away from major fault lines and other problem spots). After the site is located there are other steps in the disposal process. It is proposed that the drums will be placed in groups of four. Around these groups of four a frame will be built. The frames then will be placed inside hard rock holes or caverns. This will then be covered with a special backfill material that prevents the movement of groundwater.A fter all of this is done, the site will be monitored for up to 100 years to detect any leakage of radioactive material or any outside influences such as flooding. There have been problems with past proposals though. These problems were caused mainly by the acceptance of liquid waste. The liquid waste leaked out of it's containers much easier than the solid waste. This waste then contaminated the ground water. In other past proposals, some sites were lost and accidentally discovered when construction began in the region. This was due to human error and not structural problems. One other problem also experienced by landfills is the availability of space. There aren't too many places to store radioactive material safely and away from the general population. Also, the sites where it is safe for storage are filling up. At this point in time, the most adequate and logical type of radioactive waste management seems to be burying the material. Although right now it is difficult to see if this method the best available. Only future generations can tell. With further development of the space shuttle program perhaps the method of burying waste will become obsolete. Science
Friday, March 20, 2020
Age of Jackson essays
Age of Jackson essays Jackson was the seventh president of the United States and the first Westerner to be elected president. His election marked the end of a political era dominated by the planter aristocracy of Virginia and the commercial aristocracy of New England. Jackson himself was an aristocrat, but from a rougher mold than his predecessors. He fought his way to leadership and wealth in a frontier society, and his success established a bond between him and the common people that was never broken. Small farmers, laborers, mechanics, and many other Americans struggling to better themselves looked to Jackson for leadership. An example of his representation in America are Jacksons followers considered themselves the party of the people and denounced their political opponents, the National Republicans and later the Whigs, as aristocrats. In fact, Jacksonian leaders were nearly all as wealthy, and as different from the common people, as the Whigs. For all of Jacksons talk about helping working people, his policies accomplished little for them. His banking policies destabilized the nations currency and, some historians think, were designed to help bankers friendly to his Democratic Party. However benevolent Jackson may have been toward blacks and Native Americans in his personal life, they clearly were not included in the common people he sought to aid in his public life. His Native American policy deprived Americas original peoples of millions of acres despite prior treaties and the disapproval of the Supreme Court of the United States. His party promoted the interests of slaveholders and thereby helped to delay a solution to the slavery question until it erupted into the Civil War in Being a prominent figure in American society, Jackson left a legacy of a strong presidency. Since his time it has been commonplace for presid ...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
3 Appositive Errors
3 Appositive Errors 3 Appositive Errors 3 Appositive Errors By Mark Nichol Confusion often arises as to how or whether to punctuate appositive phrases, which are descriptions that identify someone or something named in the same sentence. Here are three statements with punctuation problems that illustrate the peril of improper punctuation, with explanations and suggested revisions. 1. â€Å"The fog arrived unannounced ‘on little cat feet,’ as the American poet, Carl Sandburg, put it.†Framing Carl Sandburg’s name with commas implies that he is the American poet the only one. The accurate revision is â€Å"The fog arrived unannounced ‘on little cat feet,’ as the American poet Carl Sandburg put it.†(In this case, the, preceding the epithet, is optional and American is included only because the source sentence is from a book published in the United Kingdom, where Sandburg’s name is not as well known as it is in the United States.) 2. â€Å"But he had another particular passion, and that was water, ‘especially dramatically moving water,’ writes his biographer Robert Jones.†It’s quite possible for a famous personage to have more than one biographer, but in this context, only one, the source of the quote, is referred to, so his name should be set off in apposition to the epithet biographer: â€Å"But he had another particular passion, and that was water, ‘especially dramatically moving water,’ writes his biographer, Robert Jones.†(In other contexts, â€Å"writes biographer Robert Jones†which from its lack of commas denotes that more than one biographer exists might be correct.) 3. â€Å"Here’s what the CEO of World Wide Widgets John Smith said to his employees in a blog post.†The identification of the subject of this sentence is incorrectly ordered. Four solutions present themselves: â€Å"Here’s what World Wide Widgets CEO John Smith said to his employees in a blog post†is journalistic style, in which the simple affiliation-title-name syntax erases the need for punctuation, but formal writing favors a more relaxed arrangement. â€Å"Here’s what John Smith, World Wide Widgets’s CEO, said to his employees in a blog post†helpfully sets the subject’s affiliation and title off from his name, but it’s better yet to reverse the order to title, then affiliation; either that combination or the name can come first (â€Å"Here’s what the CEO of World Wide Widgets, John Smith, said to his employees in a blog post†or â€Å"Here’s what John Smith, the CEO of World Wide Widgets, said to his employees in a blog post†; in the latter example, the is optional). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial Expressions15 Types of DocumentsAffect vs. Effect
Monday, February 17, 2020
Research report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Research report - Essay Example The main principles included the social settings, social relationships, cultural practices, and present trends that can be used to provide an ethnographic description of the term. Findings were also compared and contrasted to some of the theories that relate to the topic of the study. Consequently, the study provided an all rounded understanding of the barbeque through time and various trends that have changed. The project was carried out in Melbourne, one of the major towns in Australia where the barbeque culture has been adopted by time. The location was strategically chosen due to factors such as financial, accessibility and socio-cultural backgrounds among others. The research took place over a period of one month, a calculated period that would provide substantial data to the projects. Additionally, there were also variations that were put in place due to changes in time caused by weather and other unwanted causes. However, the study took place at the specified time and date was strategically collected from the locals. It also focused on some of the local celebration that involved lamb and pork barbeques. The location was chosen based on factors such as tourism and entertainment that the town has been well for been known. Moreover, the locality has an added advantage due to its proximity to the ocean; that is used in transportation for social and cultural integration. The participants included some of the town folks and those from neighboring residential areas. The variation in the participants was due to the changes in cultural and social backgrounds due to the rural-urban migration. However, a detailed literature review of the study provided a foundation for the right locations to gather information. The population sample included individuals ranging from the age of forty to seventy years. The age bracket had an added advantage because the subjects had longer experiences of most of the social and cultural activities in the
Monday, February 3, 2020
Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Management - Case Study Example The reason Nike Inc. has succeeded is underpinned by a myriad of factors, as shall be seen in the discussion which ensues forthwith. One of the factors that has guided Nike Inc. into success is its radical mission which currently is to lead in corporate citizenship and life, through proactive programmes that are reflective of care for the world family of Nike Inc. family, its teammates, consumers and those extend services to Nike Inc. In a closely related wavelength, Nike enjoys its chief position in corporate performance because of its objectives. Presently, Nike Inc.’s objective is to keep the cost of manufacturing down through intense competition of the industry in which Nike operates. The feasibility of this objective is underscored by the fact that many other companies that are in athletics industry use the cost of investments and operations in countries before going to a foreign market. Nike Inc.’s strategy has also helped propound it into the world’s leading sports business brand. Particularly, Nike Inc. has used partnering in import-export trade. This is seen in the instance where Nike entered into partnership with Onitsuka Tiger in 1964, to help it import Onitsuka Tiger running shoes in Japan. It is for this reason that as the 1970s came to a close, Nike Inc. had shot from 10 million dollars sales to 270 million dollar sales. It is because of this that by 1996, the company had registered revenue of 6.74 billion dollars. In 2000, the sales had reached 12 billion dollars (Goldman and Papson, 1998, 22). Another prime strategy which Nike Inc. uses is the selling of its performance equipment. Nike’s performance equipment include footwear, balls, socks, bags, bats, gloves, eyewear, electronic sports devices, time pieces and protective equipment. Alongside this, Nike also provides apparels for legitimate or licensed sports teams. To execute this strategy well, Nike Inc. uses
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Mental Health Services And Policy Social Work Essays
Mental Health Services And Policy Social Work Essays Mental Health is thus the emotional and spiritual resilience, which enables us to enjoy life and to survive pain and disappointment and sadness. It is a positive sense of well-being and an underlying belief on our own and others dignity and worth. Recent transnational and national policies on mental health adopt a broader view than the traditional psychiatric model.  This approach is directed at promoting good mental health, preventing mental ill health and ensuring early intervention when mental health problems occur. It involves looking beyond prevention, to the relationship between mental well-being and physical health; behavioural problems; child abuse; violence and drug and alcohol abuse.  In promotion and prevention policies such social determinants as living and working conditions; homelessness; poverty, social networks and support, unemployment and risk taking behaviour are included. In effect it means addressing the mental health impact of public policies, p rogrammes and plans like: Combating homelessness Preventing ghettos and marginalisation Promoting equity Providing safe water, sanitation and shelter Taking care of families with children and their needs Enhancing accessible environments There have been two big changes in mental health services in recent years. The first was the introduction of care in the community. This was meant to enable mental health service users to live in their own homes and neighbourhoods with suitable support instead of going into or staying in hospital. The second is the development of the mental health service survivors movement. This has made it possible for service users to speak for themselves, say what they want and to try and improve the way they are treated. What are the main issues facing this special population, particularly around access, quality, and cost-effective care? Considerable emphasis was given throughout need to rebalance mental health policy to give a higher priority to promotion and, where possible, prevention. Like public health policy more generally, mental health suffers from the emphasis given to acute, hospital-based care, which continues to receive most of the resources and attention. The notion of empowerment receives a great deal of lip service, but deep-seated issues of power and professional status are at stake and should not be ignored. Bringing service users and their families into hitherto closed decision-making practices and arenas can be threatening for professionals and disempowering for the users and families. The process should be transparent and designed to benefit everyone concerned. No single model of care is perfect, although some are clearly more attractive and effective than others. Different countries have different models to offer, and they should embrace diversity as an advantage. Countries should be open to and invest in innovation and change, and search for new ways to tackle familiar problems. There is a need for better information about developments in the Region and for comparative data on European countries where appropriate. Collecting them may be a task for public health observatories, for which a European movement now exists. The need for and importance of learning within and more particularly between countries in the Region was stressed. Well-placed and -equipped to undertake the task of education and to help countries transform knowledge into action. The great bulk of mental disorders are high prevalence disorders such as depression, anxiety, alcohol related disorders and somatiform disorders. These have evidence based treatments. Developments in services should not be stalled by the fact that there are still many unanswered questions. There are plenty of opportunities for true innovation in the primary care metal health arena. The general practice workforce has an important role in managing these disorders but cannot do it alone. Especially in rural areas extra resources need to be spent in provision of accessible services that are evidence based. This needs to encompass the full range of services from specialist psychiatrist services through to support groups, self help manuals and computer based programs. Further development though Divisions needs to be done in a measured way and needs to engage Divisions and their members and meet their agendas firstly. 2. What are some public policies that would support the needs of this special population? Both theoretically and methodologically, health research has recently increasingly focussed on cohesion in communities and societies, peoples integrative needs and action models that promote integration. The level of benefits such as income support is low. Because of this it is crucial for mental health service users who are eligible to secure disability benefits. Although these benefits are important to maintain peoples quality of life, they are generally difficult to get and may be difficult to keep. Mental health services are provided by health and social services through care management and the care programme approach. Underfunding and problems of coordination mean that the support service users receive is often inadequate, inappropriate and unreliable. Unlike most other social care service users, mental health service users/survivors are liable to have their rights restricted and may be subject to legally sanctioned detention, compulsory treatment and control over their lives and opportunities. The government says that care in the community has failed. Present proposals for mental health policy and practice place a special emphasis on the danger and risk from mental health service users and the importance of safeguarding public safety. Provisions for more compulsory treatment, including the extension of compulsion to people living in the community and locking up people labelled as having personality disorder that have not been convicted of any offence, are planned. Clearly, no one policy or program will be sufficient to meet all the needs of those who choose to parent, but a combination of services that fill in the gaps left by modern-day changes to traditional care giving networks can make a significant difference in the lives of individuals and families and lead to improved public health measures. Home visitation programs, if implemented correctly, can be one effective piece of this pie. Service users have so far had little or no say in the governments proposed changes. They fear that these will result in their rights being further restricted and being subjected against their will to damaging treatments. They fear that because of this, many service users will try and avoid mental health services at any cost and be denied any support. They fear that government mental health policy will increase rather than reduce social exclusion as it is meant to.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Vegetation Dynamics In Gravel Bed Rivers Environmental Sciences Essay
Background Gravel-bed rivers support a complex mosaic of both tellurian and aquatic home grounds of singular value for the whole river ecosystem. However, many fluvial system of the universe have been crucially affected by assorted human intercessions such as landuse alterations, torrent-control work and dike edifice, and crushed rock excavation ( Surian & A ; Rinaldi, 2003 ) . These recent alterations led to the break of the really complex channel morphology typical of braided systems, which in bend strongly affects their ecological position and their ability to incorporate inundation flows. Different human intercessions ( deposit excavation, channelisation, dikes, re-afforestation and downpour control works ) have been identified as the causes of channel accommodations in Italian rivers ( Surian and Rinaldi, 2003 ; Surian et al. , 2009 ) . For an overview on the causal factors such river development, see besides Liebault and Piegay ( 2002 ) . Human impacts on river systems normally cause rapid and widespread channel incision/narrowing or aggradation/widening as a effect of fluctuations in flows, deposit government, and boundary conditions ( Surian et al. , 2009 ) . Overall, few surveies ( e.g. Surian et al. , 2009 ) confirmed a complex recent stage of accommodation that took topographic point over the last 15-20 old ages. Channel broadening has become the dominant procedure in most of the survey reaches but channel narrowing is still ongoing in some ranges. Channel broadening has taken placed without important bed-level fluctuations in some ranges of the Brenta river, in Italy ( Surian & A ; Cisotto, 2007 ) . Besides, it is still an unfastened inquiry if all the rivers underwent this recent stage of accommodation or, as proposed for rivers in France ( Piegay et al. , 2004 ) , recent channel alterations may be considered short-run fluctuations related to specific inundation events, instead than existent long-run accommodat ions. Overall, an effectual river Restoration is now recognized to be desperately needed for most of the affected Alpine rivers, and the actions must be based on reconstructing fluvial procedures and their natural kineticss. Such an attack ( which is besides enforced by the EU Water Framework Directive ) must be therefore based on a scientifically sound cognition of sediment conveyance and morphodynamics procedures undergoing on human-impacted crushed rock bed rivers ( Dufour & A ; Piegay, 2009 ) . The overall purpose of the proposed undertaking is to research the recent morphodynamic tendencies of two Italian gravel-bed rivers characterized by different grades of human impacts, placing and measuring the synergistic effects of flora kineticss and morphological alterations evaluated utilizing fresh geoinformatics techniques.AimsThe chief aims of the proposed survey is to measure the recent ( & lt ; 20 old ages ) evolutionary tendency of the Brenta and Piave river in northeasterly portion of Italy in order to: To develop an apprehension of the morphodynamics of the both rivers with regard to selected parametric quantities such as channel width, lift, lacing index, island tenancy, and active channel country ; To measure the yesteryear and present morphological alterations of the two rivers based on natural and human induced alteration ; To measure the interlinked relationship between the active channel and flora kineticss ; To develop direction options for Restoration and preservation for the both rivers towards resilient river home ground every bit good as next bio-diversity ( riparian flora ) .Material and methodsThe research will be carried out in the intermediate crushed rock bed sections of the Piave and Brenta rivers ( North Eastern Italy, Fig. 1 ) . The two basins are comparable in footings of size, clime, geological scenes, and flora ; likewise, the two rivers in the survey reaches present a historically similar braided/wandering channel form with interspersed vegetated islands. However, the two rivers differ sing the degree of human impacts. To carry through the chief aims of the undertaking, three sets of variables of the both rivers will be studied like ( 1 ) chief drive variables ( 2 ) boundary conditions and ( 3 ) adjusting variables or channel signifier. The methodological analysiss range from distant feeling to field measurings, harmonizing to the spacial and temporal graduated tables under probe. Three spacial graduated tables will be considered, runing from big ( i.e. , 25-30 kilometer ) , intermediate ( i.e, 1-2 kilometer ) and little ( i.e. , 10-100 m ) . Related to these, two temporal graduated tables will be addressed, embracing medium-term channel development ( & lt ; 20 years, related to channel-forming discharges ) and shorter-term alterations ( related to individual events ) . The techniques deployed comprise reading of oblique and perpendicular ( aerial ) exposure, analysis LiDAR information by GIS package, flora field studies, structural studies of river channels, topographic surveying by DGPS, photogra phic and sieve analysis of deposit grain size, and statistical analysis of hydrological and land usage clip series. Figure 1: Location of the survey sites. In order to transport out the proposed research, the undermentioned undertakings will be considered every bit good as carried out: To place morphological characteristics: Geomorphic procedure of the both rivers will be identified every bit good as quantified utilizing temporal high declaration orbiter image, aerial exposure and LiDAR imagination. Present and possible position of eroding and accumulation point in assorted locations of the both river will be analyzed every bit good. To place riverine flora: Vegetation is an of import constituent in the proposed survey. From the proposed datasets, flora coverage along the rivers will be identified utilizing appropriate flora algorithms. Damaged flora will place and quantify from a set of temporal satellite datasets. Topographical analysis: Digital lift theoretical account ( DEM ) , Digital terrain theoretical account ( DTM ) from LiDAR and tellurian informations will be used to mensurate incline and analyses the plumbing of the rivers in this undertaking. Furthermore, cross-section and longitudinal profile of the rivers will be analyzed by direct field with DGPS and hand-held instruments. Field study: Significant field study will be carried out throughout the project- Sedimentlogical study in both surface and sub-surface majority samples Geomorphological study for image informations proof along with observation of channel alterationsExpected results and strategic impacts of the undertakingThe chief expected end products of the research will be as follows: To analyse recent tendencies of channel narrowing and scratch, every bit good as channel constellation, of both rivers, associating different morphodynamic tendencies to different human impacts ; To associate alterations of flora countries along the both rivers to different morphodynamic development tendencies ; To measure tendencies of sediment conveyance and morphological development on both rivers ; To developed action programs for long-run Restoration and direction in the both rivers. Gravel-bed river systems are under force per unit area worldwide. Considerable dismay has been expressed about the environmental direct and indirect impacts of human activities, and great attempts are presently employed to develop a new array of sustainable direction schemes for gravel-bed ecosystems. Since anthropogenetic influences have impacted the morphodynamics of river systems, one of the major boundary conditions found in fluvial systems has been changed significantly, viz. the deposit budget ( Habersack & A ; Schober, 2005 ) . Retention of deposits in the upper portion of the basin ( dikes and reservoirs ) and gravel extraction from the average portion of the rivers have increased the disagreement between sediment supply and conveyance capacity, with terrible jobs of bed debasement and ecological impacts. In order to accomplish a good river ecological position by the 2015, harmonizing to the European Water Framework Directive ( WFD ) , the deposit budget has to be restored in the long term. This creates a strong demand to better the apprehension and direction of deposits kineticss. Besides, the high spatio-temporal variableness of deposit and flora kineticss in gravel-bed rivers is non sufficiently considered in inundation hazard appraisal, besides because there are still considerable scientific uncertainnesss due to the deficiency of long-run incorporate field measurings of such fluvial procedures. For this ground, the proposed undertaking is focused on a subject where the demand for farther research is really relevant for the direction of gravel-bed rivers environments and the efficient and well-directed usage of the limited H2O resource.Essential mentionsDufour, S. , Piegay, H. , 2009. From the myth of a lost Eden to targeted river Restoration: bury natural mentions and concentrate on human benefits. River Research and Applications 25 ( 5 ) , 568-581. Liebault, F. , Piegay, H. , 2002. Causes of twentieth century channel contracting in mountain and Piedmont Rivers of Southeastern France. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 27, 425-444. Piegay, H. , Walling, D.E. , Landon, N. , He, Q. , Liebault, F. , Petiot, R. , 2004. Contemporary alterations in sediment output in an alpine mountain basin due to afforestation ( the upper Drome in France ) . Catena 55, 183-212. Surian N, Rinaldi M. 2003. Morphologic response to river technology and direction in alluvial channels in Italy. Geomorphology, 50, 307-326. Surian, N. , Cisotto A. , 2007. Channel accommodations, bedload conveyance and deposit beginnings in a gravel-bed river, Brenta River, Italy. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 32, 1641:1656. Surian, N. , Ziliani, L. , Comiti, F. , Lenzi, M.A. , Mao, L. 2009b. Channel accommodations and change of deposit fluxes in gravel-bed rivers of Northeastern Italy: potencies and restrictions for channel recovery. River Research and Applications 25, 551- 567.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
douglas and mcgregors theories - 2418 Words
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory Maslow, Abraham. 1908-1970. American psychologist and a founder of humanistic psychology who developed a hierarchical model of human motivation, in which a higher need, ultimately that for self-actualisation, is expressed only after lower needs are fulfilled. Self-actualisation needs Self-actualization is the fulfilment of the person’s dreams and aspirations. â€Å"Even if all these needs are satisfied, we may still often (if not always) expect that a new discontent and restlessness will soon develop, unless the individual is doing what he or she, individually, is fitted for. Musicians must make music, artists must paint, poet’s must write if they are to be ultimately at peace with themselves. What†¦show more content†¦If the physiological needs are relatively well gratified, there then emerges a new set of needs, which we may categorize roughly as the safety needs.†For British Gas, health, safety and security of their employees is their priority. Their occupational health teams and well established systems are gathered to support a worker in maintaining a productive and healthy life with their company. It is a company that makes a good workplace. Inside the firm, the image is very rosy, with staff among the happiest on the country list. The company also has a reputation for paying well (last year it ranked third overall in that category) and for high levels of job satisfaction. They offer an employee discount for energy prices, healthy eating plan. It also includes healthy-living resources for staff working in a variety of environments, including those based in offices and those working in the field. EDF offers flexible working arrangements, generous levels of maternity and adoption pay, career breaks. Pensions at EDF Energy employees with a final salary pension scheme, which is often seen as the gold standard in pension provision. Running this scheme means our employees can plan for their retirement with confidence. They also provide protection for your family upon your retirement by providing pensions for your dependents and life assurance at four times your pensionable pay, bonus schemes. TheyShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Douglas Mcgregor s Theory And Management Theory829 Words  | 4 Pages Douglas McGregor has become known as one of the most influential people who studied how workers behaviors affect the managers’ leadership strategy. McGregor was a pioneer in behavioral management theory paying attention to how to become more efficient and effective. During his research he proposed two sets of assumptions about how work attitudes and behaviors not only dominate the way managers think but also affect how they behave in organizations. Douglas McGregor coined these assumptions asRead MoreLeadership Style : Douglas Mcgregor s Theory X767 Words  | 4 PagesBefore we examine the core characteristics of autocratic leadership in terms of the four key characteristics of the theory and the way autocratic leadership can manifest, it’s auspicious to consider the theoretical basis of the leadership style: Douglas McGregor’s Theory X. Theory X Autocratic leadership style closely rests on the assumptions made in Douglas McGregor’s Theory X. The theory explains why people behave the way they do and if they are acting in a particular way, what kind of leadershipRead MoreAnalysis Of Douglas Mcgregor s Theory X And Y2331 Words  | 10 PagesManagerial Assumptions. This assessment will give insight in my orientation toward Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Y. ACCEL (2016), McGregor’s theories X and Y are based on social science research which has been carried out, and demonstrate the potential which is present in an individual that organizations should recognize in order to become more effective. McGregor sees these two theories as two quite separate attitudes. Theory Y is difficult to put into practice on the shop floor in large mass productionRead MoreComparing Management Theories Of Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo And Douglas Mcgregor2051 Words  | 9 PagesCompare and contrast the manag ement theories of Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo and Douglas McGregor. In what sense(s) are these theories similar and/or compatible? In what sense(s) are these theories dissimilar and/or incompatible? How would a contingency theorist reconcile the points of dissimilarity and/or incompatibility between these approaches? The twentieth century has brought in a number of management theories which have helped shaped our view of management in the presentRead MoreManagement in the 1900s were developed from two types of style theories. Douglas McGregor600 Words  | 3 Pagesstyle theories. Douglas McGregor (1906–1964) had become frustrated with the early simplistic human relations notions while president of Antioch College in Ohio (Draft, 2013, p.47). McGregor formulated Theory X and Theory Y(Draft, 2013, p.47). Theory X tends to be â€Å"old-style†management, and Theory Y â€Å"new-style,†because the styles are based on different assumptions about people (Draft, 2013, p.37). Strong Theory X assumptions are typically considered inappropriate for todays workplace. McGregor proposedRead MoreCompare The Management Theories Of Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo And Douglas Mcgregor1855 Words  | 8 Pagesand Henri Fayol generating management theories such as Taylor’ S cientific Management and Fayol’s Administrative Management. In the late 1920’s and early 1930’s the Hawthorne studies were conducted where Elton Mayo was the predominate figure and contributed to the Behavioural viewpoint. This brought about a Human Relations Movement which included Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y approach. Similarities and differences can be found between the theories due to the relevant time period they wereRead MoreAnalysis Of Douglas Mcgregor s Theory X And Theory Y And Robert Houses Leaderships Based On Traits And Path Goal1828 Words  | 8 PagesThis paper will focus on leadership styles Contingency Model, Douglas McGregor’s Theory X, and Theory Y and Robert Houses Leaderships based on traits and Path-Goal Leadership Theory. These theories focus on the qualities distinguished between leaders and employees, while other leadership theories looked at aspects like situations and skills. If you ask multiple people, th eir definition of what a leader is you will get multiple answers. Leadership is an action, being able to collaborate with othersRead MoreDouglas Mcgregor Developed Two Theories That Help Us Understand The Relationship Between People The Organization They Work828 Words  | 4 Pages Douglas McGregor developed two theories that help us understand the relationship between people the organization they work for, both based on assumptions a leader will have (Owens Valesky, 2011, pp. 17-18). Theory X deals with four assumptions an organizational leader has: the average person doesn’t like work and wants to find ways to avoid it, because of that, they must be closely supervised and â€Å"directed, coerced, or threatened with punishment in order to put forth adequate effort,†the averageRead MoreCompare and Contrast the Management Theories of Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo and Douglas Mcgregor. in What Sense(S) Are These Theories Similar and/or Compatible? in W hat Sense(S) Are These Theories Dissimilar and/or Incompatible? H...2126 Words  | 9 PagesCompare and contrast the management theories of Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo and Douglas McGregor. In what sense(s) are these theories similar and/or compatible? In what sense(s) are these theories dissimilar and/or incompatible? How would a contingency theorist reconcile the points of dissimilarity and/or incompatibility between these approaches? The twentieth century has brought in a number of management theories which have helped shaped our view of management in the presentRead MoreCompare and Contrast the Management Theories of Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo and Douglas Mcgregor. in What Sense(S) Are These Theories Similar and/or Compatible? in What Sense(S) Are These Theories Dissimilar and/or Compatible? How Wo...1899 Words  | 8 Pagesand Henri Fayol generating management theories such as Taylor’ Scientific Management and Fayol’s Administrative Management. In the late 1920’s and early 1930’s the Hawthorne studies were conducted where Elton Mayo was the predominate figure and contributed to the Behavioural viewpoint. This brought about a Human Relations Movement which included Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y approach. Similarities and differences can be found between the theories due to the relevant time period they were
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