Friday, May 22, 2020
A Summary On Action Plan - 2052 Words
Summary of Action Plan This information was gathered in an interview with Andrea Williams, Principal of Theresa Bunker Elementary School. The action plan most recently implemented was the Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) for the 2015-2016 school year. This is the strategic action plan that is required by the state each year. The district sets forth goals each year with input from the principals in June. The schools in this district start each year planning the CIP for the current school year. This plan has 5 goals included in the plan. The first goal is that 75% of students in K-3 will score proficient on the state’s reading inventory assessment. A second goal is for 75% of students in 3rd-6th to meet or exceed the state’s percent proficient in the state’s ELA and Math standardized tests. A third goal is for students in 1st-6th to show growth by having an SGP score of 40 or higher on the spring testing of the STAR math and reading. A fourth goal is to have 100 percent of teac hers participate in the PLC process for 60 minutes per week to focus on the 4 essential questions. The final goal is to have 85% of students being successful in school using only the Tier I PBIS strategies used by the classroom teachers. This action plan included strategies, action steps, and resources as well as a timeline for completing the implementation of this plan. The action steps for this plan included implementing new curriculum with fidelity, scheduling 150 minutes per week ofShow MoreRelatedSummary: Action, Definition, and Plan Design for D2L Learning Management System1066 Words  | 4 PagesAction Definition and Plan Design for the Desire2Learn (D2L) Learning Management System Overview The orchestration of project costs, risks, time and resource constraints to attain a successful D2L learning management system implementation needs to stay aligned to the original system goals and objectives for the system to deliver value. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Ethical Dilemmas Of An Ethical Dilemma - 1756 Words
â€Å"An ethical dilemma is a situation in which an individual is compelled to choose between two actions that will affect the welfare of a sentient being, and both actions are reasonably justified as being good†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Butts Rich, 2016, p. 55). In everyday nursing practice, many nurses are faced with various ethical dilemmas that occur between patients, their family, and healthcare professionals. Many healthcare professionals work on common goals to provide patients with the safest and highest quality care. However, some doctors’ poor or bad orders lead nurses into ethical dilemmas that are not evidence-based practice or are not consistent with the nursing standards of practice. Following the doctor’s order can risk patients’ safety, which also violates ethical principles such as beneficence and nonmaleficence. However, in a clinical environment, nurses’ practices are deeply intertwined with doctors’ practices in the delivery of health car e, which requires collaboration in each profession. As a registered nurse, when faced with this situation, I experienced an ethical conflict of what to put first: patient safety or friendly relationships with doctors. The purpose of this paper is to identify ethical dilemmas that can arise between a nurse and a doctor due to a doctor’s poor practices that threaten patients’ well-being and safety. This paper also deals with how to solve this conflict with respect for each other’s professions. Toren and Wagner (2010) suggest that nursesShow MoreRelatedEthical Dilemmas Of The Workplace1538 Words  | 7 Pages1. Discuss an ethical dilemma that you have had to face in the workplace. Ethical dilemmas often occur when a manager or an employee is faced with two or more conflicting choices. Give as many facts and details as possible in describing your dilemma. The most difficult ethical dilemma I have dealt with was a summer job I had this past summer, while I was working for a bakery in my hometown. This past particular summer really tested what I believe is right and wrong and how to speak up. One of myRead MoreEthical Dilemma Assignment1766 Words  | 8 PagesCONSENT FORM Thank you for being willing to take part in this interview exploring ethical conflict or turbulence. I would like to transcribe the content of this interview to form a written document to be submitted to Sheffield Hallam University as a piece of assessed piece of coursework. It is important that you only take part in this interview if you want to. As such I would be delighted if you would complete and sign this confidentiality questionnaire prior to the interview taking place. (i)Read MoreEthical Dilemmas Of The Workplace1291 Words  | 6 PagesEthical Dilemmas in the Workplace As a manager, you are the role model for staff. You set the standards, adhere to guidelines, and exemplify what you expect staff to model. By doing so, you are establishing and sustaining an organizational culture of ethics and integrity, which is the backbone of all successful endeavors. However, even the best structured organizations face ethical dilemmas in the workplace. It is how management recognizes and addresses these occurrences that will either set themRead MoreCase Analysis : Ethical Dilemma1318 Words  | 6 PagesTitle of Paper: Ethical Dilemma One INTRODUCTION Mrs. Smith, is an 81-year-old widow. She has been widowed for over twenty years. She has been very independent with some assistance from neighbors due to her son living out of the area and unable to assist. Recently, she has had issues with her independence. She has set two accidental fires that caused damages to her apartment, as well as had a recent fall in the bathtub. 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Essay1216 Words  | 5 PagesAn ethical dilemma is defined as a moral issue, where a situation has two equivalent undesirable alternatives and neither choice will resolve the ethical predicament. Lupe Garza, mother of two children, is a temporary employee at a plant. Garza is an excellent and talented worker, and supervisors have taken notice in her skills. A human resource specialist named Sara Jones, mislead Garza in thinking she would unquestionably obtain a permanent job position at the plant, causing Garza to turn downRead MoreThe Ethical Principles Of Respect For Autonomy984 Words  | 4 Pagesthe nurse to administer blood despite Mark’s refusal. This situation presents an ethical dilemma to the health professionals involved in Mark’s care. The ethical dilemma is whether to uphold his decision not to receive the blood and therefore risk his life or give him the blood to save his life despite knowing his religious status and beliefs. There are several ethical principles involved in this scenario. The ethical principles of respect for Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence, Veracity and Fidelity
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Becoming a Better Leader Free Essays
â€Å"You can’t polish a sneaker – an ugly sneaker is an ugly sneaker. †When applied to a leader, some people might think that a good leader is born. However, history has shown that leaders are not exactly born. We will write a custom essay sample on Becoming a Better Leader or any similar topic only for you Order Now While observers are inclined to believe that every individual has innate capabilities of becoming a leader, not everybody is able to develop them. Biographies of great leaders show that their willingness and creativity in addressing the demands of their environment helped develop their capabilities. A classic example was Gandhi of India who did nothing grand but was able to move millions of his countrymen to action. By simply staying at home and using his loom to weave his clothing materials, he was able to show that it was possible for India to develop its own industry and become independent of Great Britain (Blagg and Young, 2001). A good leader should not only learn to say no and â€Å"I don’t know. †He or she should have the courage to tell people the hard realities no matter how adverse, but should be able to help them cope with such realities. As John Kotter once said, â€Å"Great leadership does not mean running away from reality†¦Sometimes the hard truths might just demoralize the company, but at other times sharing difficulties can inspire people to take action that will make the situation better†(Blagg and Young, 2001). Leadership, therefore, involves meeting issues head-on and calling a spade a spade. It is true that a good leader attracts criticisms. He who is never criticized is not doing anything substantial or creative. Who was it who said that â€Å"One can’t please everybody? †Since harsh criticisms come from people who were not pleased or were threatened by one’s actions, surely others must have been satisfied or gratified. It might be a cliche but it is true that a coin has two sides. In like manner, an expert at the Harvard Business School was once quoted as saying that â€Å"There are lots of people who look and act like managers, who have excellent managerial skills, and who don’t make a lot of noise. Nobody is writing cover stories about them†(Joseph Badaracco as cited in Blagg and Young, 2001). An individual who is never censured, reproached, or appreciated, even if he or she is a manager is not a leader. He is somebody who is not exceptional – someone who is simply mediocre. Reference Blagg, D. Young, S. (2001). What Makes A Good Leader. Harvard Business School Bulleting. Retrieved February 17, 2008 from http://www. alumni. hbs. edu/bulletin/2001/february/leader. html How to cite Becoming a Better Leader, Papers
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