Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Corporate Goverance Practices of Boeing, Honda and Daimler...
Group Assignment: Corporate Governance Practices of Boeing, Honda Daimler Melbourne, May 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION Characterised by nation-specific features and different regulatory systems, the use of corporate governance mechanisms varies across different countries in the world. This paper will help investigate those differences by examining the current corporate governance practices of three different companies representing for three powerful countries namely Japan,†¦show more content†¦Most of them have been working and responsible for different departments in Daimler (Daimler AG 2013). The Supervisory Board which monitors and advises the Board of Management with regard to its management of the Company has twelve out of twenty outside directors, who are accountable for focal positions in big corporations such as Deutsche Bank Foundation, Nokia Corporation, Nestle, Avon, IG Metall, etc. The size of the board of directors: Hermalin and Weisbach (2003) supposed that the board size is negatively related to both general firm performance and the quality of decision making. However, complex firms such as those that are diversified across industries, large in size, or have high leverage are more likely to benefit from a larger board of directors, particularly from outside directors who possess relevant experience and expertise (Jeffrey L. et al. 2008). Therefore, the board size of Boeing with eleven directors in which ten is independent and one is non-independent seems to be the optimum size. Honda has followed the same pattern with Boeing when it announced plans to downsize from twenty to twelve board members in 2011 so that its decision making process will be shortened. Accordingly, the number of board members of Honda is thirteen in 2013 (Honda 2013). Daimler, however, owns a big size of board members because it follows the two-tier board system. The Board of
Monday, December 16, 2019
How Socioeconomic Status of Parents Affects Kids Free Essays
How socioeconomic status of Parents affects their Children’s Development in Academics It is obvious that most people have set beliefs on when they see a family of a low socioeconomic class that their children will grow up to be the same as their parents. People believe that they will not be as likely to do well in school or even in the real world. Many psychologists have done studies that have proven that this assumption is right for the most part. We will write a custom essay sample on How Socioeconomic Status of Parents Affects Kids or any similar topic only for you Order Now Children that have parents, family and neighbors of lower socioeconomic status tend to not do as well in school as their peers of a middle or upper socioeconomic status. Duncan, Kato, Brooks-Gunn Klebanov, 1993) (Duncan, Kato, Brooks-Gunn Klebanov 1993) conducted a study to determine whether a child’s socioeconomic status had any correlation with their academic development, ethnicity and if they were raised by a single parent. (Duncan, Kato, Brooks-Gunn Klebanov 1994) They hypothesized that children of a lower socioeconomic, status and neighborhood would have a direct relation to lower IQ of the children they measured at age 5. They measured each child in their study at age 5 from all of the different socioeconomic, ethnic, and parental backgrounds. They found a strong correlation of a person’s economic status and economic status of the people around them to their IQ. (Barry 2005) also did a study that involved whether or not socioeconomic status had any relevance on whether a child would have better or worse test scores in 10th grade on a standardized test based on the child’s economic status. He hypothesized that children of a lower economic status or of a Hispanic, African American, or Indian will tend to have lower Scores than children of white children with a higher socioeconomic status. His results show that the strongest predictor of student test scores is socioeconomic status. (Barry 2005) He states that ethnicity combined with economic status plays a large factor in how well the students did on the SAT standardized test. For example, in 1991-1992 African American students placed significantly lower on the SAT than White students. (Barry 2005) Janet Currie and Joshua Goodman have also done a study in that they were looking for a correlation between socioeconomic status of a child and how well they would perform on certain standardized tests. Their results have shown the same positive correlation as in the other two articles. (Investments in education pay off in the form of higher future earnings, and differences in educational attainments explain a significant fraction of the adult variation in wages, incomes, and other outcomes. But what determines a child’s educational success? Most studies point to family background as the primary factor. But why does background matter? While many aspects are no doubt important, research increasingly implicates health as a potentially major factor. The importance of health for education and earnings suggests that if family background affects child health, then poor child health may in turn affect education and future economic status. ) (Currie, Goodman) After reviewing both ideas of ethnicity and socioeconomic status having or not having a measurable outcome on academic proficiency, psychologists are able to determine that while not 100% of lower economic status students and ethnic students performed worse an overwhelming majority didn’t perform as well as their upper economic status or white peers. References Barry (1994) The effect of socioeconomic status of academic Acheviement Wichita State University, Thesis Paper Duncan, Kato, Brooks-Gunn Klebanov (1993) Economic deprivation and Early childhood development Currie, Goodman (ND) Parental socioeconomic status, Child Health, and Human Capital How to cite How Socioeconomic Status of Parents Affects Kids, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
HRM in Hospitals for Healthcare Services -myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about theHRM in Hospitals for Healthcare Services. Answer: Introduction: HRM in hospitals HRM or Human Resource Management is a coherent and strategic approach to managing the most valuable assets of any organisation, its people who work in the organisation or the human resources. In the hospitals and healthcare sector, the healthcare professionals form the core or the nucleus of the services being provided to the patients. Therefore, the development of the human resources in a hospital is a must to deliver efficient and best healthcare services and practices to the patients. Improving HRM practices in a Hospital The CEO of a hospital has a dynamic role to play in improving the quality of HRM in a hospital. The CEO of a hospital needs to be proactive and play the role of a champion of the people which would provide not just leadership but also a critical resource to the human resource department. The proactive role that a CEO plays can send a powerful message to the rest of the organisation about the importance and criticality of HR functions and department in the hospital (Parand, Dopson, Vincent, 2013). The HR department in a hospital should have a dedicated and well-trained staff including the HR director, HR manager and assistant HR managers, along with the HR executives looking into the operational smoothness of the HR functions comprising of recruitment, administration, and legal issues (Manimaran, Kumar, 2017). Besides the CEO, the HR director of a hospital also has an important role to play in overseeing that the HR department carries out its functions according to the vision and mission of the hospital. A dedicated HR department will accomplish a lot more in realising the goals of the hospital management and enhancing the performance of the staff members than an independent consultant (Russell, n.d.). The HR department has to be integrated with the top management of the hospitals and healthcare institutions so that the inputs regarding the HRM policies and procedures for attaining the objectives and vision of the hospital receive all the necessary support and resources (Russell, n.d.). The HR department in consultation with all the other departments and the top management has to devise an HR policy for the hospital according to the national and international rules and regulations governing the healthcare industry (Manimaran, Kumar, 2017). The HR policy is a detailed document which would include the policies of the hospital regarding the HR planning, selection, recruitment, training, placement, development, compensation, incentives, performance appraisal, social security, employee benefits, hospital administration and policies, employee grievances, personnel records, collective bargaining, accounting, industrial relations, and many other such functions which are directly or indirectly connected to the human resource management in the hospitals and healthcare industry (Giauque, Resenterra, Siggen, 2014). Before devising the HR policy it is very important to discuss and obtain a consensus from all the concerned stakeholders that include the staff members, patients, and other such people who might be affected by the policies of the hospital. The HR policy document is the basic document which provides the direction to the HR practices in the hospital but it needs to be revised periodically keeping up with the changes in the internal and external environment (Three Key Practices in Hospital HR Departments Linked to Exemplary Patient Care, 2016). One very important factor that needs to be inbuilt in the HR policy should be about the grievance redressal procedure and mechanism. The grievance redressal should be available to both the patients who are the recipients of the healthcare facilities and the staff members who are responsible for providing the best healthcare services. The nature of the work in the hospital is very crucial and therefore it becomes all the more important to have a round the clock good HR back up and support to ensure the smooth functioning of the hospital. The Key Features of building a sustainable HR capacity To ensure that the human resource management of the hospital succeeds in bringing about a cultural reformation and repositioning to ensure that the vision and objectives of the hospital are achieved, it is very important that a strategy for building the sustainable HR capacity has to be devised. The strategy should basically consist of the major objectives that are the key to achieving the vision and success of the hospital. These objectives are: Staffing: The HR department has to devise the staffing strategies keeping in mind the occupational requirements pertaining to faculty, permanent and temporary staff, and interns in the hospital. The HR department will have to keep the changing workforce requirements in mind and develop corporate profiles for each position articulating the skills and the core competencies needed (Abadesco, 2015). Performance management: The performance management should be based on the vision of holding all the staff members accountable for their work and reward the team as well as the individual performances. This strategy will help the managers in providing training, guidance, and feedback to the employees in a more time efficient and effective manner. The performance management should also include a method of organising the different works and tasks, organising the working teams, technology management, the incentive systems, and the appraisal methods to be used for evaluating the performance (Leggat, Bartram, Stanton, 2011). Training and development: Through this strategy, the HRM of the hospital has to ensure that all the employees are properly qualified and adequately trained for their job roles. The key feature is to identify the different educational needs, defining the different work competencies, developing the curriculum and the education template, selecting the instructional design, in the most suitable and effective modalities to meet the vision and objectives of the hospital. It is also important to periodically evaluate the competencies acquired for improving the performance further and changing the attitudes and practices of the human resources for the betterment of the organisation (Garman, McAlearney, Harrison, Song, McHugh, 2011). Personnel administration: Through this strategy, the hospital should ensure the proper management of job contracts, relations between the employees and the employers, incentive systems, remuneration systems, collective working relationships, terms for the social protection and security of the employees, and much more. This strategy also looks at improving the communication channels between the management, administration, and the employees and also looks at the means to enable the participation of the staff members in the key decision-making initiatives that have an impact on the performance of the employees (Ali, Ameed, 2016). Assuring safety and developing a safe work environment: This strategy is very important to counter the ill effects on the health and safety of the staff members due to the nature of the job in the hospitals. The hospital has to look into developing the standards of safety and work conditions that are necessary to counter the ill-effects on the health of the staff members themselves. Most of the occupational risks in the hospital can be minimised with adequate preventive measures and precautionary practices that promote the occupational safety of the staff members (Nica, 2013). Conclusion HRM is an important discipline in the hospitals and healthcare institutions today and the organisation should appoint competent in-house HR professionals to devise policies and programs to derive the best operational efficiency from the staff members. References: Abadesco, E. V., Jr. (2015, November 22). Strategic HRM: Building organizational capabilities. Retrieved from: https://business.inquirer.net/202970/strategic-hrm-building-organizational-capabilities Ali, E. M., Dr., Ameed, S. A. (2016). HRM Issues and Challenges in healthcare.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (IJM),7(2), 166-176. Retrieved from: https://www.iaeme.com/MasterAdmin/UploadFolder/IJM_07_02_019/IJM_07_02_019.pdf Garman, A. N., McAlearney, A. S., Harrison, M. I., Song, P. H., McHugh, M. (2011). High-performance work systems in health care management, part 1: development of an evidence-informed model.Health care management review,36(3), 201-213.Retrieved from: https://journals.lww.com/hcmrjournal/Abstract/2011/07000/High_performance_work_systems_in_health_care.1.aspx Giauque, D., Resenterra, F., Siggen, M. (2014). Antecedents of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and stress in a public hospital: a PE fit perspective.Public Organization Review,14(2), 201-228. Retrieved from: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11115-012-0215-6 Leggat, S. G., Bartram, T., Stanton, P. (2011). High performance work systems: the gap between policy and practice in health care reform.Journal of Health Organization and Management,25(3), 281-297. Retrieved from: https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/14777261111143536 Manimaran, A., Kumar, S. A. (2017, January 04). Human Resource Management in the Healthcare Industry A Literature Review. Retrieved from: https://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/html/10.11648.j.infomgmt.20160102.12.html Nica, E. (2013). The importance of human resources management to the health care system.Economics, Management and Financial Markets,8(4), 166. Retrieved from: https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1P3-3231345531/the-importance-of-human-resources-management-to-the Parand, A., Dopson, S., Vincent, C. (2013). The role of chief executive officers in a quality improvement initiative: a qualitative study.BMJ open,3(1), e001731. Retrieved from: https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/3/1/e001731.short Russell, A. (n.d.). The Role of HR Manager in Health Care. Retrieved from: https://work.chron.com/role-hr-manager-health-care-19031.html Three Key Practices in Hospital HR Departments Linked to Exemplary Patient Care. (2016, November 07). Retrieved August 21, 2017, from https://medicine.missouri.edu/2016/11/three-key-practices-in-hospital-hr-departments-linked-to-exemplary-patient-care/
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