Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Corporate Goverance Practices of Boeing, Honda and Daimler...
Group Assignment: Corporate Governance Practices of Boeing, Honda Daimler Melbourne, May 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION Characterised by nation-specific features and different regulatory systems, the use of corporate governance mechanisms varies across different countries in the world. This paper will help investigate those differences by examining the current corporate governance practices of three different companies representing for three powerful countries namely Japan,†¦show more content†¦Most of them have been working and responsible for different departments in Daimler (Daimler AG 2013). The Supervisory Board which monitors and advises the Board of Management with regard to its management of the Company has twelve out of twenty outside directors, who are accountable for focal positions in big corporations such as Deutsche Bank Foundation, Nokia Corporation, Nestle, Avon, IG Metall, etc. The size of the board of directors: Hermalin and Weisbach (2003) supposed that the board size is negatively related to both general firm performance and the quality of decision making. However, complex firms such as those that are diversified across industries, large in size, or have high leverage are more likely to benefit from a larger board of directors, particularly from outside directors who possess relevant experience and expertise (Jeffrey L. et al. 2008). Therefore, the board size of Boeing with eleven directors in which ten is independent and one is non-independent seems to be the optimum size. Honda has followed the same pattern with Boeing when it announced plans to downsize from twenty to twelve board members in 2011 so that its decision making process will be shortened. Accordingly, the number of board members of Honda is thirteen in 2013 (Honda 2013). Daimler, however, owns a big size of board members because it follows the two-tier board system. The Board of
Monday, December 16, 2019
How Socioeconomic Status of Parents Affects Kids Free Essays
How socioeconomic status of Parents affects their Children’s Development in Academics It is obvious that most people have set beliefs on when they see a family of a low socioeconomic class that their children will grow up to be the same as their parents. People believe that they will not be as likely to do well in school or even in the real world. Many psychologists have done studies that have proven that this assumption is right for the most part. We will write a custom essay sample on How Socioeconomic Status of Parents Affects Kids or any similar topic only for you Order Now Children that have parents, family and neighbors of lower socioeconomic status tend to not do as well in school as their peers of a middle or upper socioeconomic status. Duncan, Kato, Brooks-Gunn Klebanov, 1993) (Duncan, Kato, Brooks-Gunn Klebanov 1993) conducted a study to determine whether a child’s socioeconomic status had any correlation with their academic development, ethnicity and if they were raised by a single parent. (Duncan, Kato, Brooks-Gunn Klebanov 1994) They hypothesized that children of a lower socioeconomic, status and neighborhood would have a direct relation to lower IQ of the children they measured at age 5. They measured each child in their study at age 5 from all of the different socioeconomic, ethnic, and parental backgrounds. They found a strong correlation of a person’s economic status and economic status of the people around them to their IQ. (Barry 2005) also did a study that involved whether or not socioeconomic status had any relevance on whether a child would have better or worse test scores in 10th grade on a standardized test based on the child’s economic status. He hypothesized that children of a lower economic status or of a Hispanic, African American, or Indian will tend to have lower Scores than children of white children with a higher socioeconomic status. His results show that the strongest predictor of student test scores is socioeconomic status. (Barry 2005) He states that ethnicity combined with economic status plays a large factor in how well the students did on the SAT standardized test. For example, in 1991-1992 African American students placed significantly lower on the SAT than White students. (Barry 2005) Janet Currie and Joshua Goodman have also done a study in that they were looking for a correlation between socioeconomic status of a child and how well they would perform on certain standardized tests. Their results have shown the same positive correlation as in the other two articles. (Investments in education pay off in the form of higher future earnings, and differences in educational attainments explain a significant fraction of the adult variation in wages, incomes, and other outcomes. But what determines a child’s educational success? Most studies point to family background as the primary factor. But why does background matter? While many aspects are no doubt important, research increasingly implicates health as a potentially major factor. The importance of health for education and earnings suggests that if family background affects child health, then poor child health may in turn affect education and future economic status. ) (Currie, Goodman) After reviewing both ideas of ethnicity and socioeconomic status having or not having a measurable outcome on academic proficiency, psychologists are able to determine that while not 100% of lower economic status students and ethnic students performed worse an overwhelming majority didn’t perform as well as their upper economic status or white peers. References Barry (1994) The effect of socioeconomic status of academic Acheviement Wichita State University, Thesis Paper Duncan, Kato, Brooks-Gunn Klebanov (1993) Economic deprivation and Early childhood development Currie, Goodman (ND) Parental socioeconomic status, Child Health, and Human Capital How to cite How Socioeconomic Status of Parents Affects Kids, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
HRM in Hospitals for Healthcare Services -myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about theHRM in Hospitals for Healthcare Services. Answer: Introduction: HRM in hospitals HRM or Human Resource Management is a coherent and strategic approach to managing the most valuable assets of any organisation, its people who work in the organisation or the human resources. In the hospitals and healthcare sector, the healthcare professionals form the core or the nucleus of the services being provided to the patients. Therefore, the development of the human resources in a hospital is a must to deliver efficient and best healthcare services and practices to the patients. Improving HRM practices in a Hospital The CEO of a hospital has a dynamic role to play in improving the quality of HRM in a hospital. The CEO of a hospital needs to be proactive and play the role of a champion of the people which would provide not just leadership but also a critical resource to the human resource department. The proactive role that a CEO plays can send a powerful message to the rest of the organisation about the importance and criticality of HR functions and department in the hospital (Parand, Dopson, Vincent, 2013). The HR department in a hospital should have a dedicated and well-trained staff including the HR director, HR manager and assistant HR managers, along with the HR executives looking into the operational smoothness of the HR functions comprising of recruitment, administration, and legal issues (Manimaran, Kumar, 2017). Besides the CEO, the HR director of a hospital also has an important role to play in overseeing that the HR department carries out its functions according to the vision and mission of the hospital. A dedicated HR department will accomplish a lot more in realising the goals of the hospital management and enhancing the performance of the staff members than an independent consultant (Russell, n.d.). The HR department has to be integrated with the top management of the hospitals and healthcare institutions so that the inputs regarding the HRM policies and procedures for attaining the objectives and vision of the hospital receive all the necessary support and resources (Russell, n.d.). The HR department in consultation with all the other departments and the top management has to devise an HR policy for the hospital according to the national and international rules and regulations governing the healthcare industry (Manimaran, Kumar, 2017). The HR policy is a detailed document which would include the policies of the hospital regarding the HR planning, selection, recruitment, training, placement, development, compensation, incentives, performance appraisal, social security, employee benefits, hospital administration and policies, employee grievances, personnel records, collective bargaining, accounting, industrial relations, and many other such functions which are directly or indirectly connected to the human resource management in the hospitals and healthcare industry (Giauque, Resenterra, Siggen, 2014). Before devising the HR policy it is very important to discuss and obtain a consensus from all the concerned stakeholders that include the staff members, patients, and other such people who might be affected by the policies of the hospital. The HR policy document is the basic document which provides the direction to the HR practices in the hospital but it needs to be revised periodically keeping up with the changes in the internal and external environment (Three Key Practices in Hospital HR Departments Linked to Exemplary Patient Care, 2016). One very important factor that needs to be inbuilt in the HR policy should be about the grievance redressal procedure and mechanism. The grievance redressal should be available to both the patients who are the recipients of the healthcare facilities and the staff members who are responsible for providing the best healthcare services. The nature of the work in the hospital is very crucial and therefore it becomes all the more important to have a round the clock good HR back up and support to ensure the smooth functioning of the hospital. The Key Features of building a sustainable HR capacity To ensure that the human resource management of the hospital succeeds in bringing about a cultural reformation and repositioning to ensure that the vision and objectives of the hospital are achieved, it is very important that a strategy for building the sustainable HR capacity has to be devised. The strategy should basically consist of the major objectives that are the key to achieving the vision and success of the hospital. These objectives are: Staffing: The HR department has to devise the staffing strategies keeping in mind the occupational requirements pertaining to faculty, permanent and temporary staff, and interns in the hospital. The HR department will have to keep the changing workforce requirements in mind and develop corporate profiles for each position articulating the skills and the core competencies needed (Abadesco, 2015). Performance management: The performance management should be based on the vision of holding all the staff members accountable for their work and reward the team as well as the individual performances. This strategy will help the managers in providing training, guidance, and feedback to the employees in a more time efficient and effective manner. The performance management should also include a method of organising the different works and tasks, organising the working teams, technology management, the incentive systems, and the appraisal methods to be used for evaluating the performance (Leggat, Bartram, Stanton, 2011). Training and development: Through this strategy, the HRM of the hospital has to ensure that all the employees are properly qualified and adequately trained for their job roles. The key feature is to identify the different educational needs, defining the different work competencies, developing the curriculum and the education template, selecting the instructional design, in the most suitable and effective modalities to meet the vision and objectives of the hospital. It is also important to periodically evaluate the competencies acquired for improving the performance further and changing the attitudes and practices of the human resources for the betterment of the organisation (Garman, McAlearney, Harrison, Song, McHugh, 2011). Personnel administration: Through this strategy, the hospital should ensure the proper management of job contracts, relations between the employees and the employers, incentive systems, remuneration systems, collective working relationships, terms for the social protection and security of the employees, and much more. This strategy also looks at improving the communication channels between the management, administration, and the employees and also looks at the means to enable the participation of the staff members in the key decision-making initiatives that have an impact on the performance of the employees (Ali, Ameed, 2016). Assuring safety and developing a safe work environment: This strategy is very important to counter the ill effects on the health and safety of the staff members due to the nature of the job in the hospitals. The hospital has to look into developing the standards of safety and work conditions that are necessary to counter the ill-effects on the health of the staff members themselves. Most of the occupational risks in the hospital can be minimised with adequate preventive measures and precautionary practices that promote the occupational safety of the staff members (Nica, 2013). Conclusion HRM is an important discipline in the hospitals and healthcare institutions today and the organisation should appoint competent in-house HR professionals to devise policies and programs to derive the best operational efficiency from the staff members. References: Abadesco, E. V., Jr. (2015, November 22). Strategic HRM: Building organizational capabilities. Retrieved from: https://business.inquirer.net/202970/strategic-hrm-building-organizational-capabilities Ali, E. M., Dr., Ameed, S. A. (2016). HRM Issues and Challenges in healthcare.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (IJM),7(2), 166-176. Retrieved from: https://www.iaeme.com/MasterAdmin/UploadFolder/IJM_07_02_019/IJM_07_02_019.pdf Garman, A. N., McAlearney, A. S., Harrison, M. I., Song, P. H., McHugh, M. (2011). High-performance work systems in health care management, part 1: development of an evidence-informed model.Health care management review,36(3), 201-213.Retrieved from: https://journals.lww.com/hcmrjournal/Abstract/2011/07000/High_performance_work_systems_in_health_care.1.aspx Giauque, D., Resenterra, F., Siggen, M. (2014). Antecedents of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and stress in a public hospital: a PE fit perspective.Public Organization Review,14(2), 201-228. Retrieved from: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11115-012-0215-6 Leggat, S. G., Bartram, T., Stanton, P. (2011). High performance work systems: the gap between policy and practice in health care reform.Journal of Health Organization and Management,25(3), 281-297. Retrieved from: https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/14777261111143536 Manimaran, A., Kumar, S. A. (2017, January 04). Human Resource Management in the Healthcare Industry A Literature Review. Retrieved from: https://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/html/10.11648.j.infomgmt.20160102.12.html Nica, E. (2013). The importance of human resources management to the health care system.Economics, Management and Financial Markets,8(4), 166. Retrieved from: https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1P3-3231345531/the-importance-of-human-resources-management-to-the Parand, A., Dopson, S., Vincent, C. (2013). The role of chief executive officers in a quality improvement initiative: a qualitative study.BMJ open,3(1), e001731. Retrieved from: https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/3/1/e001731.short Russell, A. (n.d.). The Role of HR Manager in Health Care. Retrieved from: https://work.chron.com/role-hr-manager-health-care-19031.html Three Key Practices in Hospital HR Departments Linked to Exemplary Patient Care. (2016, November 07). Retrieved August 21, 2017, from https://medicine.missouri.edu/2016/11/three-key-practices-in-hospital-hr-departments-linked-to-exemplary-patient-care/
Saturday, November 30, 2019
This Essay Was Written To Show The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The
This essay was written to show the advantages and disadvantages of the Young Offenders Act over the previous Juvenile Delinquents Act. Also it should give a theoretical understanding of the current Canadian Juvenile-Justice system, the act and it's implications and the effects of the young offenders needs and mental health on the outcome of the trials. In the interest of society the young offenders act was brought forth on april second 1984. This act was created to ensure the rights and the needs of a young person. Alan W. Leshied says "On one hand the justice and legal objectives of the act are being effectively realized while on the other hand the needs and treatment aspects of it leave much to be desired." The research of the Young offenders act is still ongoing but Leshied says that it is becoming clear that the custody positions have been in dispute since the act came into effect. The old Juvenile delinquency act states in section 38 "The care and custody and discipline of a juv enile delinquent shall approximate as nearly as maybe that which should be given by his parents, and... as far as practability every juvenile delinquent shall be treated, not as a criminal, but as a misguided and misdirected child . . . needing aid, encouragement, help and assistance."(Page 72) If a youth is close to the adult age of 18 years they could be transfered to the adult justice system. This means that they would be given the same sentences as an adult including and up to life in prison. Many people have tried to correct this problem that they see as a weakness. Yet, so far their attempts have failed. Another weakness they find, is that the courts are expensive and unsatisfactory methods of dealing with crime that is not very serious. Before the fabrication of legal aid most young offenders were not able to obtain legal services. "Subsection 11 (4) provides that, were a young person wishes to obtain counsel but is not able to do so, the youth-court judge shall refer the you ng person to the provincial legal-aid, or assistance program. If no such program is available or the young person is unable to obtain counsel through an available program, the youth court judge may, and on the request of the young person shall direct the young person to be represented by counsel." To establish a relationship between the young offender and the lawyer, thew lawyer must be able to receive instructions from his/her client. Usually there is little difficulty either receiving or carrieing out the instructions of his/her client. Special problems can arise when the client is a young person. The problems faced by this, is the young person may not be able to communicate with counsel. While the lawyer and young person need not a specific statement for the client as to a Cont. From Page 1 -2- preferred outcome it should take form of a general expression of the client's feelings or attitudes in the major issues of the precedings the young person must be able to make decisions th at may hold significant repercussions. Mental health of the young offender can also be a problem. Currently this issue is not addressed in the Young Offenders Act, before the mental health act can be enacted, extremely dangerous behaviour must be displayed. Before the age of 16 they are sometimes placed in hospitals for a short time under the authority of the legal guardians.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Frankenstein Essay Essays - Frankenstein, English-language Films
Frankenstein Essay Essays - Frankenstein, English-language Films Frankenstein Essay Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley is a complex novel that was written during the age of Romanticism. It contains many typical themes of a common Romantic novel such as dark laboratories, the moon, and a monster; however, Frankenstein is anything but a common novel. Many lessons are embedded into this novel, including how society acts towards the different. The monster fell victim to the system commonly used to characterize a person by only his or her outer appearance. Whether people like it or not, society always summarizes a person's characteristics by his or her physical appearance. Society has set an unbreakable code individuals must follow to be accepted. Those who don't follow the "standard" are hated by the crowd and banned for the reason of being different. When the monster ventured into a town"...[monster] had hardly placed [his] foot within the door ...children shrieked, and ...women fainted" (101). From that moment on he realized that people did not like his appearance and hated him because of it. If villagers didn't run away at the sight of him, then they might have even enjoyed his personality. The monster tried to accomplish this when he encountered the De Lacey family. The monster hoped to gain friendship from the old man and eventually his children. He knew that it could have been possible because the old man was blind, he could not see the monster's repulsive characteristics. But fate was against him and the "wretched" had barely conversed with the old man before his children returned from their journey and saw a monstrous creature at the foot of t heir father attempting to do harm to the helpless elder. "Felix darted forward, and with supernatural force tore [the creature] from his father..." (129). Felix's action caused great inner pain to the monster. He knew that his dream of living with them "happily ever after" would not happen. After that bitter moment the monster believed that "...the human senses are insurmountable barriers to our union [with the monster]" (138) and with the De Lacey encounter still fresh in his mind along with his first encounter of humans, he declared war on the human race. The wicked being's source of hatred toward humans originates from his first experiences with humans. In a way the monster started out with a child-like innocence that was eventually shattered by being constantly rejected by society time after time. His first encounter with humans was when he opened his yellow eyes for the first time and witnessed Victor Frankenstein, his creator, "...rush out of the [laboratory]..." (56). Would this have had happened if society did not consider physical appearance to be important? No. If physical appearance were not important then the creature would have had a chance of being accepted into the community with love and care. But society does believe that physical appearance is important and it does influence the way people act towards each other. Frankenstein should have made him less offending if even he, the creator, could not stand his disgusting appearance. There was a moment however when Frankenstein "...was moved..." (139) by the creature. He ".. .felt what the duties of a creator..." (97) were and decided that he had to make another creature, a companion for the original. But haunting images of his creation (from the monster's first moment of life) gave him an instinctive feeling that the monster would do menacing acts with his companion, wreaking twice the havoc! Reoccurring images of painful events originating from a first encounter could fill a person with hate and destruction. We as a society are the ones responsible for the transformation of the once child-like creature into the monster we all know. The public needs to know that our society has flaws and they must be removed before our primal instincts continue to isolate and hurt the people who are different. With such a large amount of technology among us, some people may wonder why such an advanced civilization still clings on to such primitive ways of categorizing people.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Giant Bison Facts and Figures
Giant Bison Facts and Figures Name: Bison latifrons; also known as the Giant Bison Habitat: Plains and woodlands of North America Historical Epoch: Late Pleistocene (300,000-15,000 years ago) Size and Weight: Up to eight feet high and two tons Diet: Grass Distinguishing Characteristics: Large size; shaggy front legs; giant horns About Bison Latifrons (the Giant Bison) Although they were certainly the best-known megafauna mammals of late Pleistocene North America, the Woolly Mammoth and American Mastodon werent the only giant plant-eaters of their day. There was also Bison latifrons, aka the Giant Bison, a direct ancestor of the modern bison, the males of which attained weights of close to two tons (the females were much smaller). The Giant Bison had equally giant horns - some preserved specimens span over six feet from end to end - though this grazer apparently didnt congregate in the giant herds characteristic of modern bison, preferring to roam the plains and woodlands in smaller family units. Why did the Giant Bison vanish from the scene at the cusp of the last Ice Age, about 15,000 years ago? The most likely explanation is that climate change impacted the availability of vegetation, and there simply wasnt enough food to sustain an extended population of one- and two-ton mammals. That theory is lent weight by subsequent events: the Giant Bison is believed to have evolved into the smaller Bison antiquus, which itself evolved into the even smaller Bison bison, which blackened the plains of North America until it was hunted to extinction by Native Americans and European colonists by the end of the 19th century.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Impact of the Black Death Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Impact of the Black Death - Term Paper Example Fathers left diseased children and wives left husbands, such was the situation back then. Between 1347 and 1351, it killed nearly 30% of the European population and a phenomenon known as depopulation occurred. Not only that but also economic, political and cultural changes were brought about by plague. Victims of plague died every day and there was no one to claim their bodies or no one to bury them (Gottfried, 1983). The Black Death was also there in Asia and the Middle East during 1347-51, simultaneously with Western Europe (Peschke, 2008). The economic impact of the Black Death was that it favored the peasants more than the landowners or the elites. Impact Before the Black Death period, Europe was reaping the fruit of its growth. There was an agricultural revolution at the start of the 14th century in Europe and food production increased and the area under cultivation increased. However there was a famine for two years in Europe (1315 to 1317) but the growth far surpassed it. But the growth period came to an end in1347 when Europe was struck by the Black Death, which left the entire Europe in pessimism and melancholy (Peschke, 2008). Investigating the effects of plague was important in knowing the economic and demographic trends as a lot of controversies were involved. One of the controversies was that deaths were not caused by plague but because the Jews had poisoned the water wells. Innocent Jews were killed, not by plague but by the people who held them guilty for the chronic depopulation (Peschke, 2008). One of the most affected European countries was Italy, so in-depth studies to find out the causes and remedies for plague were very necessary. The Black Death was an outcome of bubonic, pneumonic and septicaemic symptoms of plague. The Black Death was a part of the second plague pandemic, as it was its first epidemic and it recurred in the eighteenth century. Before Europe was hit by plague, it was dominated by aristocrats and religious leaders as they o wned property and ruled over peasants and the working class in general. Labor was underpaid and abundant in supply but after plague, when chronic depopulation occurred, technological methods were introduced to meet the shortage of workers and overtime, it became good substitutes for human labor (Bowsky, 1964). There are various viewpoints for the Black Death as some historians believe that the impact of the Black Death was transient while others believe that it was the main driving force which revolutionized medieval Europe into modern Europe. Some religious leaders like Cardinal F. A. Gasquet associate the Black Death with the downfall of the Christian church. Monasticism was particularly more adversely affected by the Black Death. Whereas there were also some optimists like G. G. Coulton, who viewed the effects of depopulation as beneficial for the ones who survived, as they had more wealth per head and as a result the advent of the Renaissance and Protestant Reformation was made possible. Besides that, the Black Death also had a psychological impact as the survivors were disturbed by the massive wave of plague and the way it killed so many of the people they knew or were related to. Some people are of the opinion that the Black Death was too massive a blow to Europe and hence they categorize it under the three worst catastrophes that ever took place on the face of this earth. With time, people forget how huge the impact of a particular catastrophe was. For instance some Marxists and non-Marxist both sideline the Black Death as a part of a crisis, rather than being the main crisis itself (Gottfried, 1983). Europe was dominated by feudalism before the end of the 13th century and peasants were paid less, even though they worked a lot. But after the end of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
OM8021 Literture review concept map Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
OM8021 Literture review concept map - Essay Example research, he has used group, organization and industry levels of analysis whereby he has focused on groups of people in poor regions and isolated areas, organizations and companies, and industries such as farming, fishing and banking. The author states that mobile communication is the technology that has the greatest effect on the development of society and can be a major step towards industrialization in developing countries. He points out various implications of mobiles in the developing countries: The applications within mobile banking overcome the challenges posed by large geographic distances and infrastructure deficiencies for local business people and enhance safe transfer of funds. This reduces the risks involved in handling large sums of cash. Applications in the areas of education and information are also beneficial in third world countries. Mobiles also improve relations where family members and friends in the city and rural areas communicate and exchange information thereby overcoming the â€Å"major social problem†. He also notes that mobile phones create improved conditions for companies, which in turn creates better economic and social conditions thus raising living standards. One limitation that the author identifies is that the services and applications offered in third world countries are low-tech as this is what all parties ranging from operators to individuals in rural areas would afford. The author identifies a number of recommendations in the paper. He notes that mobile applications could be invaluable in helping health professionals and care providers get vital information, for instance, on HIV/AIDS and malaria to people living in isolated areas while access to obituary information via a mobile phone could make life easier. He also points out that provision of mobile phones to people in poor regions could significantly hasten development and that offering voice and sms services is the best way to raise living standards in Tanzania, an
Saturday, November 16, 2019
High Fidelity- Character anaysis Essay Example for Free
High Fidelity- Character anaysis Essay Rob is a morose person who needs this excuse to always complain. Hes a very pessimistic person, who cant seem to find a positive outlook in anything. Rob is also a very self-conscious person who is not content with himself. He believes that he lacks in the areas he views as important in his life. He depends on his woman to keep him happy, and judges his life according to the woman hes with. He simply cant manage to be happy without one. His unhappiness drives him to be very critical and judgmental to the world around him. He makes a jerky remark to everything he notices. All and all Rob has a weak character which depends on other things rather than himself to be happy. Rob seems to be a very pessimistic person. He sees everything in a negative fashion because he is not content with his life, and assumes it is impossible for things to improve. Once Rob returns home after seeing Marie sing with another man, he feels depressed and turns to his records for some sort of reassuring escape: Is it so wrong, wanting to be home with your record collection? Its not like collecting records is like collecting stamps, or beermats, or antique thimbles. Theres a whole world in here, a nicer, dirtier, more violent, more peaceful, more colorful, sleazier, more dangerous, more loving world than the world I live in; there is history, and geography, and poetry, and countless other things I should have studied at school, including music. (Hornby, 83) Rob seems to feel as though his records are the only thing he can rely on. Everyone has some sort dependence on certain sentimental things, be it a pet, friend or family member. In Robs case, his music is the only constant that will never let him down. He sees a whole different world inside his music, one which doesnt value the real worlds standards or values. It brings him somewhere else for a bit, somewhere which doesnt remind him of the depressing things in his life. It seems to me that with those discouraging thoughts it drives him to be very pessimistic. Without even talking to Marie he assumed right off the bat that she was going to hook up with the man she was singing with. He didnt even try to show he cared in the least. His pessimism led him to give up on Marie very quickly, without even looking at the possible positive side. These actions show he has a very pessimistic outlook on life which is driven by his low self-esteem. Rob also seems unsatisfied with himself. Too inadequate to be happy in a world where he feels he doesnt belong. Im here , in this stupid little flat, on my own, and Im thirty-five years old, and I own a tiny failing business, and my friends dont seem to be friends at all but people whose phone numbers I havent lost. And if I went back to sleep and slept for forty years and woke up without any teeth to the sound of Melody Radio in an old peoples home, I wouldnt worry that much, because the worst of life, i.e., the rest of it, would be over. And I wouldnt even have had to kill myself. (74) Rob looks at every aspect of his life and feels so insufficient that he doesnt even see the reason for living. He feels like he has no substance in his life. From having no true friends, to a failing job. All the characteristics that he values to be a person worth living, have failed him. I think his mother plays an important role in Robs low self -esteem as she even degrades him and offers him no support. She doesnt even comfort him after the break-up with Laura, yet just criticizes and tells him that she would have left [him] to get on with it years ago. (48) She demeans his job, and adds to his low self-confidence. Parents are supposed to be supportive in times of unhappiness. Parents are the people who are supposed to love unconditionally, but in Robs case it seems that they only regard the negative aspects of his life which definitely cannot improve his situation. He feels so inadequate because he has no one to turn to or depend on. He wants to run [himself] down, feel sorry for [himself], celebrate [his] inadequacies. (72) Rob depends on a woman to keep him happy. He believes his woman defines him as a person, and each time he is without one he is miserable. Sometimes it seems as though the only way a man can judge his own niceness, his own decency, is by looking at his relationships with women- or rather, with prospective or current sexual partners. (68) He judges himself according to the woman hes affiliated with. He doesnt see himself as a full person without a woman. He believes that women are going to save [him], lead [him] through to a better life, that they can change and redeem [him]. (63) Rob is basically willing to be whatever his woman wants of him. Even his relationship with Sarah Kendrew was one of convenience because he had no one else, and wanted to feel equal to his companion. Charlie had made him feel inadequate and less of a person than her, so his relationship with Sarah was one where he had someone to lean on through his time of getting over her. Sarah made it easier for him because she was going through the same situation. They were just staying together to have someone to lean on, and not be alone. He was her moment just as Charlie was mine, and when they split, Sarah had sworn off men for a while, just as I had sworn off women. It made sense to swear off together, to pool our loathing of the opposite sex and get to share a bed with someone at the same time. Our friends were all paired off, our careers seemed to have hardened into permanence, we were frightened of being left alone for the rest of our lives. (29) Rob just couldnt handle being alone. It was easy for him to make the relationship with Sarah work because she felt the same, and had the same problems he did. His weak character leads him to depend on woman to keep him happy and satisfied. Rob was also a very judgmental and critical person. His views on music could not be challenged, as he also evaluated woman according to their musical interests and favorite movies. His views were a little harsh sometimes, and he believed he was quite educated in certain areas, which therefore lead to his many judgments. Id say there were millions like me, but there arent, really: lots of blokes have impeccable music taste but dont read, lots of blokes read but are really fat, lots of blokes are sympathetic to feminism but have stupid beards, lots of blokes have a Woody Allen sense of humor but look like Woody Allen. Lots of blokes drink too much, lots of blokes behave stupidly when they drive cars, lots of blokes get into fights, or show off about money, or take drugs. I dont do any of these things really; if I do OK with women, its not because of the virtues I have, but because of the shadows I dont have. (28) Rob makes a comment on every possible singer, songwriter, actress/actor he can. His critical attitude makes him look like a jerk. He acts above the people he criticizes to make him feel better about himself. He has a judgment on everything. Besides being critical to himself, hes critical to the world around him because he is miserable. He sees the negative in everything which makes him as opinionated as he is. His frustration makes him angry at everything and everyone around him. All and all, Robs depressive, dependent, self-conscious and critical attitudes demonstrate that he has a weak character. His pessimism leads to his depression, as his low self-esteem leads to his criticisms. He has a very miserable life because he doesnt even live up to his own standards. He depends on a woman to make him happy, which is completely unrealistic. Rob will never manage to be happy because he always manages to criticize and demean everything thats going on around him.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Filter of History :: essays research papers
History is told through a filter. Whether it is the filter of a persons mind or of a writer’s pen. Events such as the assassination of JFK, or for my generation the explosion of the Challenger have a way of burning themselves in our minds. We remember where we were, what we were doing, even what we were wearing. One would think that the details of such an event would remain fairly accurate from person to person, however this is untrue. As in the example given in the reading selection after the Civil War ended some people only chose to remember the bravery of the white soldiers, not the reason brother was against brother. Some in the South tried to pretend that nothing had changed with the Lynch laws forcing slaves back onto the plantations. It seems that region as well as human thought was the influence of these ideals. A person can chose to remember an event as something that is painful or concentrate on the good of the event. As with a persons memory of history being a filter so is that of a historian’s pen, even though the reasons vary. This can be traced back nearly to the beginning of written history, though most examples are taken from the early Catholic Church. Furthermore, factors of politics, region, and public opinion almost always have an effect on what becomes written history. â€Å"History came to play a major role in propagating this modern orthodoxy, particularly in the United States. And just because their national history was so integral to Americans’ identity, the new orthodoxy became part of the political conflicts generated by industrialization†(Appleby et al.,132). In contrast to remembering and writing what is more pleasant comes the historian who wants to tear down the pedestals that some of our great figures have been placed on. Charles Beard, a preeminent progressive historian set out to do just this to our
Monday, November 11, 2019
Demonstrating Sulphuric acid is Dibasic Essay
Chemistry Practical Plan Aim The aim of my experiment is to demonstrate that sulphuric acid, H2SO4, is dibasic. Dibasic means that one mole of sulphuric acid can release two moles of hydrogen ions, H+ when it reacts in an aqueous solution. To demonstrate the dibasic nature of sulphuric acid, I shall do two experiments, one involving a titration, the other a gas collection. Predication In my titration, I shall neutralise an acid with a base. Firstly, I will titrate Hydrochloric Acid against Sodium Hydroxide. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is as follows. HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq)→ NaCl(aq) + H20(l) Hydrochloric Acid, HCl, is a monoprotic acid, meaning that it will release one Hydrogen ion, H+ when reacted in an aqueous solution. The molar ratio in this reaction is 1:1, and therefore 1 mole of Hydrogen ions, H+, will be needed to react with 1 mole of Hydroxide ions, OH-, to form 1 mole of Water, H20. Therefore, I predict that this will mean that an equal number of moles of Hydrochloric Acid will be needed to neutralise the Sodium Hydroxide. I shall then titrate Sulphuric Acid against Sodium Hydroxide, in comparison to Hydrochloric Acid. HCl is monoprotic, whereas H2SO4 is diprotic, and will therefore release double the amount of Hydrogen ions, H+. The reaction is as follows: H2SO4 (aq)+2 NaOH(aq)→ Na2SO4(aq) +2H2O(l) To demonstrate that Sulphuric Acid is dibasic, and that it will release two Hydrogen ions, H+, I predict that only half the number of moles of H2SO4 will be needed to neutralise one mole of NaOH. The molar ratio of acid to alkali is now 1:2, so for every Hydroxide ion released from the Sodium Hydroxide, two Hydrogen ions will be released from the sulphuric Acid, and so only 0.5 mole H2SO4 will be needed to neutralise 1 mole NaOH. For the gas collection experiment, I shall again react firstly a monoprotic acid, then a diprotic acid and compare the amounts of gas collected. My first reaction will be between Hydrochloric Acid (monoprotic) with Magnesium Carbonate. 2HCl(aq) + MgCO3(s) → MgCl2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g) My second reaction will be between Sulphuric Acid (diprotic), and Magnesium Carbonate. H2SO4(aq) + MgCO3(s) → MgSO4(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g) For both reactions I shall collect the gas in a gas syringe, and compare the amounts of gas released. When metal reacts with acid, carbon dioxide is released. I will use acids of equal molarity, and the same mass of magnesium carbonate. I predict that the H2SO4 will produce twice the volume of gas in comparison to HCl, as this will demonstrate the dibasity of Sulphuric Acid. Safety Sulphuric Acid is corrosive and therefore goggles must we worn at all times. If spillages occur, these should be washed liberally with cold water. Sulphuric Acid can burn skin and eyes, so lab coats and gloves should be worn. In case of contact with eyes, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If swallowed drink plenty of water and seek medical help. Also follow standard laboratory safety such as removing lose clothing and tying hair away from face. Fair Test Titration – to ensure a fair test in my titration, I will use the same amounts of acid the same in each titration, and measure the variation in alkali needed to neutralise the acid. I will use a pipette and burette because they are the most accurate equipment available, being accurate to +/- 0.05cm3. Before filling the burette and pipette I shall rinse them first with distilled water and then with the chemical to be used. This will allow me to take more accurate readings from the equipment and reduce the possible error margin. I shall rinse the burette and pipette also with the solution to be used to ensure no dilutions in my experiment, which could lead to inaccuracy. Gas Collection – to ensure a fair test in the gas collection, I shall use equal masses of Magnesium Carbonate in both collections, and measure the varying amount of Carbon Dioxide released. I will use a gas syringe to collect the carbon dioxide because I think that this I more accurate than upwards delivery – carbon dioxide is soluble in water and this could affect my results. For both experiments, I shall also use the largest values possible as this will reduce the percentage error in my practical to give me more reliable results. Titration Method Apparatus: Sodium Hydroxide (1.0 molar), Sulphuric Acid (1.0 molar), Hydrochloric Acid (1.0 molar), 50 cm 3 pipette, burette, phenolphthalein indicator, white tile, clamp stand, boss, distilled water dispensers, pipette filler, 4 Ãâ€" 100cm3 beakers, 2 Ãâ€" 100cm3 conical flasks, plastic filter funnel. Perform pre-tests to determine the colour change of the indicator at the end point of the titration and the colour of phenolphthalein in acids and alkalis. Prepare the equipment as follows: Burette – rinse with distilled water followed by the solution to be used, NaOH as not to dilute the solution with water. Run solution through and invert the burette to ensure no air bubbles. Fill the burette with NaOH using a filter funnel, and remove the funnel. Record the volume of solution within the burette to 0.05 ml. Pipette – rinse the pipette several times by sucking and releasing the solution to be used, HCl or H2SO4, using a pipette filler, (suck up solution to above the measured mark) Using pipette filler, fill pipette with until the meniscus is slightly above the mark. Take the pipette out of the solution to ensure no atmospheric pressure and allow the liquid to run out slowly until the meniscus is level with the mark. Touch the side of the flask with the tip of the pipette but allow any residue to remain in the pipette. Add 3-4 drops of the indicator phenolphthalein to the solution in the conical flask (no more as indicators are weak acids and so can have an effect on the titration) Use a white tile to help identify the colour change at the end point. Run the solution from the burette whilst swirling, stop as soon as the indicator colour changes. Record the volume of the rough titration. Repeat the titration carefully and drop wise until the colour is about to change, then add half a drop at a time. When the faintest detectable colour change can be noted, record the final volume to within 0.05 ml. Repeat the titration to get three accurate titrations within 0.1 ml of each other. Gas Collection Apparatus: Hydrochloric Acid (1 molar), Sulphuric Acid (1 molar), Magnesium Carbonate, 6 conical flasks, gas valves and bungs, gas syringe with delivery tube, Clamp stand and boss. Set up the experiment as shown. React 0.34g MgCO3 with 100ml HCl for at least 10 minutes or until the reaction is complete. Record the volume of CO2 produced. Repeat three times, ensuring that the gas syringe is always set at zero before the experiment is set. Repeat with H2SO4to allow the comparison of results. Quantities Titration From my research I know that the maximum volume of Sodium Hydroxide will be needed in the titration with Hydrochloric Acid. The burette I will be using can measure accurately up to 50cm3. I from my calculations, this amount will be used to neutralise 50cm3 of acid. For the reaction with Sulphuric Acid, twice the volume of NaOH shall be needed to neutralise the acid. Therefore, I shall use only 25cm3 acid for both titrations, as I know that 50cm3 NaOH is the maximum volume I will need. The advantage of using the largest volumes possible is that the percentage error is reduced, and my experiments will therefore me more accurate. Gas Collection H2SO4(aq) + MgCO3(s) → MgSO4(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g) This is the reaction that I predicted would release the most carbon dioxide. I therefore had to work out what the maximum amount of product I could use within the practical limits of my apparatus. Max volume gas released – 100cm3 No. moles = actual volume à · 24 = (100à ·1000) à · 24 = 0.004 moles CO2 Molar ratio MgCO3: CO2 =1:1 Therefore 0.004 moles MgCO3 Mr MgCO3 = 24+12+ (16 x 3) =84 Actual Mass = number of moles x mass 1 mole = 0.004 x 84 0.34g Magnesium Carbonate to be used. The Sulphuric Acid must also be present in excess to ensure the reaction goes to completion, and so I will therefore use 0.1 mole H2SO4. Volume = number of moles à · concentration = 0.01 à ·1 = 0.01 dm-3, or 100 cm-3 2HCl(aq) + MgCO3(s) → MgCl2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g) For my second reaction, I shall use the same mass of Magnesium Carbonate, and provided the acid is still in excess, the same volume of Hydrochloric Acid, to ensure a fair test. Mass MgCO3 to be used = 0.34g Molar ratio HCl: CO2 = 2:1 Therefore 0.004 x 2 moles HCl to be used. To allow the acid to be present in excess, I shall use 0.01 mole of Hydrochloric Acid. Therefore, volume = number of moles x concentration =0.01 Ãâ€" 1 =100cm3 Specimen Calculations Titration using Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrochloric Acid HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq)→ NaCl(aq) + H20(l) Volume HCl used: 25 ml or 0.025 dm-3 Number of moles HCl = concentration (mol dm-3) Ãâ€" volume (dm-3) = 1mÃâ€" 0.025 dm-3 = 0.025 moles HCl Molar ratio NaOH: HCl = 1: 1 Therefore 0.025Ãâ€"1= 0.025 moles NaOH Volume NaOH = number of moles Ãâ€" concentration (mol dm-3) = 0.025 Ãâ€" 1 =0.025 dm-3 This shows that an equal volume of Sodium Hydroxide is needed to neutralise the Hydrochloric acid, indicating that for every OH- ion in the NaOH, one H+ ion was released from the Hydrochloric Acid to form H2O, a neutral molecule. This shows that Hydrochloric Acid is monoprotic, as it releases one Hydrogen ion when it is reacted in an aqueous solution. Titration using Sodium Hydroxide and Sulphuric Acid H2SO4 (aq)+2 NaOH(aq)→ Na2SO4(aq) +2H2O(l) Volume H2SO4 used: 25 ml or 0.025 dm-3 Number of moles H2SO4 = concentration (mol dm-3) Ãâ€" volume (dm-3) = 1mÃâ€" 0.025 dm-3 = 0.025 moles H2SO4 Molar ration NaOH: H2SO4 = 2: 1 Therefore 0.025à ·2 = 0.0125 moles NaOH Volume NaOH = number of moles Ãâ€" concentration (mol dm-3) =0.0125Ãâ€" 1 = 0.0125 dm-3 This shows that only half the volume of Sodium Hydroxide was needed to neutralise the Sulphuric Acid, indicating that for every OH- ion in the NaOH, two H+ were released from the Sulphuric Acid, demonstrating its dibasity, as for every mole of Sulphuric Acid reacting in solution; two moles of Hydrogen ions were released. Gas Collection 2HCl(aq) + MgCO3(s) → MgCl2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g) Number of moles MgCO3 = actual mass à · mass 1 mole Mr MgCO3 = 84 = 0.34 à · 84 = 0.004 moles Molar ration HCl: CO2 = 2: 1 Therefore 0.004 à · 2 = 0.002 moles CO2 Volume = number of moles x 24 = 0.002 Ãâ€" 24 = 0.048 dm-3 or 48cm3 H2SO4(aq) + MgCO3(s) → MgSO4(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g) Number of moles MgCO3 = actual mass à · mass 1 mole Mr MgCO3 = 84 = 0.34 à · 84 = 0.004 moles Molar ratio H2SO4: CO2 = 1: 1 Therefore 0.004 moles CO2 Volume = number of moles Ãâ€" 24 = 0.004 Ãâ€" 24 =0.096 dm-3 or 96cm3 When a metal carbonate reacts with acid, carbon dioxide is released. These results show that when Magnesium Carbonate reacts with Sulphuric Acid, twice the volume of Carbon Dioxide is produced in comparison to its reaction with Hydrochloric Acid. This shows that, as we know HCl to be a monobasic acid, Sulphuric Acid is dibasic, as it produced double the volume of gas as a result of its two Hyrdogen ions that are released. Bibliography ‘Chemistry’ – Chris Conoley and Phil Hills (p. 332) Collins Educational 1998 Steven Doherty – Atoms, Molecules and Stoichiometry www.catalogue.fisher.co.uk/scripts Cambridge University Press 2000 ‘Chemistry’ Brian Ratcliff
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Mehmet Egirgen
PARAGRAPH STRUCTURE THE THREE PARTS OF A PARAGRAPH 1. TOPIC SENTENCE: States the main idea of the paragraph. It limits the topic to one specific area that can be discussed completely in the space of a single paragraph. It has two parts: a) Topic b) Controlling idea. e. g. Driving on freeways requires skills and alertness. Topic controlling idea Registering for college classes can be a frustrating experience for new students. Topic controlling idea Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics.Topic controlling idea 2. SUPPORTING SENTENCES: develop the topic sentence. They explain or prove the topic sentence by giving more information about it. e. g. First of all, gold has a lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion. For example, a Macedonian coin remains as untarnished today as the day it was made 25 centuries ago. 3. CONCLUDING SENTENCE: signals the end of the paragraph and leaves the reader with important points to remember. e. g. In conclusion, gold is t reasured not only for its beauty but also its utility.HOW TO WRITE GOOD TOPIC SENTENCES 1. It must be a complete sentence. 2. It must contain both the topic and the controlling idea. 3. A topic sentence is the most general sentence in the paragraph because it gives only the main idea. It doesn’t give specific details. A reader wants to know generally what to expect in a paragraph, but they don’t want to learn all the details in the first sentence. a) A lunar eclipse is an omen of a coming disaster. ______too specific. _____ b) Superstitions have been around forever. ______ too general_______ c) People hold many superstitious beliefs about the moon. ___ best TS______ d) Is made of green cheese. _____ incomplete_____ Now, it’s your turn: a) The history of astronomy is interesting. ___________ b) Ice age people recorded the appearance of new moons by making scratches ___________ in animal bones. c) For example, Stonehenge in Britain, built 3500 years ago to track t he ___________ movements of the sun. d) Ancient people observed and recorded lunar and solar events in different___________ ways. ********************************************************* a) It is hard to know which foods are safe to eat nowadays. __________ b) In some large ocean fish, there are high levels of mercury. ___________ c) Undercooked chickens and hamburger may carry E. coli bacteria. ___________ d) Not to mention mad cow disease. ___________ e) Food safety is an important issue. ___________ Writing topic sentences: Read the paragraphs below. The topic sentence of each paragraph has been omitted. Try to write a suitable topic sentence for each paragraph. ______________________________________. In Beijing, China, people own over 7 million bicycles. In cities in Denmark, between 20 and 30 percent of daily trips are made on bicycles.In many Asian cities, bicycle-like vehicles called rickshaws carry between 10 and 20 percent of the goods moved daily. In Africa, the bicycle i s the most common means of traveling intermediate distances. In Iran, too, bicycles are the primary means of transportation in such cities as Yazd and Kerman. ____________________________________. The earliest known examples of wheels are from Mesopotamia. It dates from about 3500 to 3000 BC. Wheels were first used in the cart or wagon, pulled by humans or animals. After the invention of the steam engine, wheels were driven by steam. Today, animal-drawn carts re still used in many countries. The horse-drawn chariot appeared in Mesopotamia around 2000 BC. It was later used in Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome, and other ancient civilizations. _________________________________________. Water is often drawn from rivers, lakes, or the ocean for use in factories and power plants. This water is usually returned to the source warmer than when it was taken. This small temperature change in the body of water can drive away the fish and other animals that were originally present. It attracts other animals in place of them. The result may be fish and other wildlife deaths. ____________________________________. The United Nations (UN) estimates that the world population reached 6 billion in 1999, and is increasing by more than 77 million persons each year. The rate of increase, 1. 3 percent per year, has fallen below the peak rate of 2 percent per year attained by 1970. By the late 2040s, the UN estimates, the growth rate will have fallen to about 0. 64 percent annually. At that time more than 50 countries will experience negative growth. __________________________________________. The world's heaviest rainfall is about 10,922 mm per year. It occurs in northeastern India.As much as 26,466 mm, or 26 m, of rain have fallen there in one year. Other extreme rainfall records include nearly 1168 mm of rain in one day during a typhoon in Philippines; 304. 8 mm within one hour during a thunderstorm in Missouri; and 62. 7 mm in over a 5-min period in Panama. HOW TO WRITE SUPPORTING SENT ENCES The biggest problem in student writing is that student writers often fail to support their ideas adequately. They need to use specific details to be thorough and convincing. There are several kinds of specific supporting details: examples, statistics, and quotations. Sample paragraph:HOW TO WRITE CONCLUDING SENTENCES: A concluding sentence serves two purposes: 1. It signals the end of the paragraph. 2. It leaves the reader with the most important ideas to remember. It can do this in two ways: a) By summarizing the main points of the paragraph. b) By repeating the topic sentence in different ways. You may start your concluding sentence with one of those signals: End-of-paragraph signals followed by a comma| End-of-paragraph signals not followed by a comma| Finally, Lastly, In brief, Therefore, Thus, Indeed, To sum up.In conclusion,In short, | The evidence suggests that†¦. There can be no doubt that †¦These examples show that †¦We can see that †¦. | Now itâ⠂¬â„¢s your turn. Write concluding sentences for the follwing paragraps: **************************************************************************** Read the two paragraphs below and answer the questions that follow each paragraph: PARAGRAPH 1 To be able to make good coffee, you should be aware of some delicate points. First, it is very important to make sure that the pot in which you want to make coffee is clean. Dust can make your coffee bad.Second, pour some clean water into the pot, and let it boil. When the water boils, remove the pot from the stove and let it remain still for a few seconds. Next, pour some instant coffee into a cup and fill the cup with water from the pot. The Lavazza brand is the best instant coffee on the market. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph? What are the controlling ideas in the topic sentence? Circle them. Are all the supporting sentences related to the topic sentence? Are any of the sentences indirectly related to the topic sentence? Are t here any sentences that do not belong?PARAGRAPH 2 An ideal husband has several characteristics. First, he must be gentle. Second, he must come from a respectable family. Moreover, he must be an honest man who always tells the truth and never cheats his wife. Loyalty is another important point in an ideal husband. Finally, he must be in an acceptable financial situation. All girls like to live in their husbands' personal house, go to work in their husbands' personal car, and have fun with their husbands' money. What is the topic sentence of the second paragraph? What are the controlling ideas in the topic sentence?Circle them. Are all the supporting sentences related to the topic sentence? Are any of the sentences indirectly related to the topic sentence? Are there any sentences that don't belong? Why don't they fit? THE OUTLINE The outline gives you a general plan for your paragraph. It will tell you what points you should include in your paragraph. There are two types of outlines: topic outline, and sentence outline. In topic outlines, you use phrases after each head number. In sentence outlines, however, you use complete sentences after each head number.The outline belowâ€â€the plays of Shakespeareâ€â€is a topic outline. As you can see, only words or phrases have been used in this outline. Notice that in writing courses, topic outlines are often preferred over sentence outlines. Developing the skill of outlining is a good help for any beginner. Outlining can give you a general plan, a platform, an emblem, or a blueprint. You can then use your outline to give organization to your paragraphs. Suppose that you are asked to write about Shakespeare. Shakespeare will be the subject of your writing.Now, it is for you to decide what to write about Shakespeare. You may decide to write about the plays of Shakespeare. This will be the topic of your paragraph. You should then narrow this topic by a number of controlling ideas. Suppose that you decide to write ab out three types of Shakespeare's plays. You have limited your topic in terms of number and type. Now you can make the following outline: The plays of Shakespeare I. Tragedies A. Macbeth B. Othello II. Comedies A. The comedy of errors B. The merchant of Venice III. Histories A. Richard II B. Henry VThis outline can then be expanded into the following paragraph: The plays of Shakespeare can be classified into three types. First, there are the tragedies. Two of his most famous tragedies are Macbeth and Othello. Shakespeare has also written a number of comedies. Shakespeare's most outstanding comedies are The comedy of errors and The merchant of Venice. Moreover, some of Shakespeare's plays focus on history. Richard II and Henry V belong in this category. EXERCISE 1. Read the following paragraph carefully, and: 1. Underline the topic. 2. Circle the controlling ideas. . Write an outline for the paragraph. Forests may be divided into the following six general types. First, there are the f orests of the hot areas. The famous subtypes are the forests of the northern hemisphere and the oceanic forests. Second, monsoon forests are characteristic of Bengal, Myanmar, Southeast Asia, and India. Tropical forests, on the other hand, are found in regions such as the Campos of Brazil. The next categoryâ€â€Northern pine forestsâ€â€form a worldwide belt around the earth. Next, rain forests are characteristic of central Africa and the Amazon.Finally, evergreen forests are found in North America and the Caribbean islands. 2. Write a unified paragraph on the basis of the information you get from the following outline. Types of trees I. Fruit trees A. Fleshy fruits 1. Orange 2. Apple B. Dry fruits 1. Nuts 2. Almond II. Fruitless tress A. Pine B. Oak STEPS OF WRITING A GOOD PARAGRAPH On the whole, there are eight steps for writing a good paragraph. 1. Think about the subject carefully. Example: Air pollution 2. Narrow the subject to a few topics. Example: Causes of air polluti on Effects of air pollution Air pollution and the environmentAir pollution versus water pollution The history of air pollution Air pollution and global warming 3. Choose one of the topics. Make sure you know about what you write. Also, make sure the topic will be of interest to the readers. Example: effects of Air pollution 4. List some details about your topic. Example: Effects of air pollution on animal life Effects of air pollution on plant life Effects of air pollution on human health Effects of air pollution on atmosphere 5. Choose the most important detail you want to communicate. It should be interesting or important to the readers too.Example: The effects of air pollution on human health 6. Write a topic sentence based on this detail. Include a few controlling ideas in the topic sentence to limit the size of your paragraph. Example: Air pollution has two major effects on human health. 7. Make an outline for the paragraph. Effects of air pollution on human health I. Physical effects A. Heart attack B. Lung cancer II. Psychological effects A. Depression B. irritation 8. Write your paragraph, using the information you have listed in the outline. EXERCISE 1. Choose one of the following subjects: coin airplane shark sea . Follow the eight steps of paragraph writing and develop a paragraph. Then read your own paragraph and try to answer these questions: 1. Is my paragraph unified? 2. Is it complete? 3. Which sentence is the most general? 4. Which sentences provide specific details to support the topic sentence? 5. Are any sentences unrelated to the topic sentence? 6. Is my paragraph sketchy? 7. What are the controlling ideas of my topic sentence? 8. Is my paragraph interesting? 9. Are my supporting sentences related to my topic sentence? 10. Is there any irrelevant supporting sentence in my paragraph?
Thursday, November 7, 2019
White and black box Project software testing The WritePass Journal
White and black box Project software testing Introduction White and black box Project software testing IntroductionUser testing:Expert Review:Refrences:Related Introduction There were different ways of testing the software, white box testing and black box testing. In the white box testing, it looks into the covers and into the details of the whole software we created enabling us to see what’s happening inside it. On the other hand, black box testing just looks into the available inputs for the software and what expected outputs are that should result from each input not concerning within the inner work of the software. So this makes a difference of the area they choose to focus on. (www.testplan.com, 7th Feb 2011) Hence going through the black box testing and white box testing, we as a testing team thought of using black box testing as it its more appropriate for our software which involves security testing and usability testing. So being two persons in the testing team it was easy for us to divide the task. I took usability testing where as my other group mate did security testing. As soon as we got the final copy of the working software, I checked the whole software if it works as it says or not. We first had to install a program called WampServer to run our software. I ran the software and checked the web design whether it is user friendly or not. This helps for the ease of use of the software for our customers or the users. The index page looked like as below: And the survey page which is the main page looked like one below: Page 1: Page 2: We also have details about the data protection to make sure that this software we created is copyrighted and also mentioned stuff like information we collect from the users, IP addresses and cookies, uses made of the information, users rights, data security and access to information. We also have a page where the users or the customers will know about us. We also have features for disabled person who have to click â€Å"high visibility†in the index page to access it. It is mainly for the people who are suffering from colour blindness or have partial visual impairment so we made the font bigger and used just three colours for the whole website and looked like below: The above snap shot is of the first page for the disabled users. As we can see that it hasn’t got much of colour contrast and the font are bigger. We have used white and yellow text and blue as the background to avoid visual glairiness because through research we have found that the people with low vision sees this colour more comfortably. Then we got the survey page whose layout is also similar as the above one. This is the survey page for the disabled users. We used bigger fonts through the whole webpage and maintained a text format meaning that we have got rid of all the necessary decorations and kept it simple. Both a â€Å"Normal†and â€Å"High Visibility†web page contains exactly the same information and has the same format. The only difference is in term of graphic so that it provides better visibility. After testing the usability of the software and modifying the software till it was perfect, it was time for us to conduct the usability testing with other user. Before using the usability testing method we need to understand what usability means. It doesn’t mean to have perfect software with no errors or having good features. It should help the customers or the users to use the software or any other products quickly and easily to gain the goal and hence accomplish the tasks. In this project, our task was to build a micro questionnaire data gather which should consist of a website and database to store the information. This website displays an introductory descriptive paragraph and displays four related questions where one of the questions is the central question and the other three are associated questions whose answers will build up a composite answer which will validate or not any information given to the real question. So the users had to go to the index page, choose which graphic they prefer to use and give answers to the questions. I chose two methods of usability testing for our software and they are user and expert review. User testing: In this method of testing, I chose 5 different users. Three of them were GCSE level students and two of them were students from the university. The software was ready in my laptop to be used and then told them what they had to do with the software. I also requested them to give some feedback about the website itself. Then all of them started going through the website, looking through the layouts, fonts, colour, etc. This test was done individually in different places. Then they read the question and answered them as per their own thinking. There was one user who used glasses so I asked him to take it off n use the â€Å"high visibility†layout if he doesn’t mind and he did. The feedback was quite good as well. He described about the colours and size of the fonts which were of perfect match and even the contrast to the background were easy for them to read. They also gave feedback about the navigation of the website which was pretty much easy. Expert Review: In this method we involved an expert for inspecting the software. We asked him to examine the whole website and give us feed back. I took started the software and then he examined the whole software. Feedback from user testing: The layouts of the website were well presented. The contrasts of the colour were chosen well. The colours for the high visibility were chosen well. It was user friendly. It was easy to learn how to use it. Navigations of the software were simple. It has an appealing layout. It provided objective information to the users. Storing of data was effective n efficient. Refrences: testplant.com/download_files/BB_vs_WB_Testing.pdf, 7th Feb 2011 Usability inspection methods, Jakob Nelsen, Sunsoft and Robert L. Mack, IBM T.J. Watson research centre Interaction design – beyond human computer interaction, second edition, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd Usability Testing and Research, Carol M. Barnum, Southern Polytechnic State University
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Case study Human Social Behavior
Case study Human Social Behavior Introduction- This article is about the human behavior and the various factors which affects the human behavior. One of the factors that have a great impact on the behavior of human is the social environment and here all types of sociological effects are discussed. Various individual environmental factors and their impact on behavior are also discussed here. Inheritances also affects the human behavior and in this article two types of inheritances are discussed and that are cultural and the genetic inheritances. Nature and nurture both has impacts on the development of humans and nurture has some of the effects on behavior of humans. In the end of the article there is a detail discussion about the evolutionary thinking and the factors like psychological and the biological which changes the human behavior Body 1-7 – Behavior of the human being decides the overall personality and this behavior of human are influenced by many factors like cultural, economic, and sociological. Hu man behavior is influenced by the most discussed effect that is the sociological effect. The most complex society of any creature on earth is of humans and it means self-preservation beyond the level of persona; physical survival is extended by us. Humans live in a very typical society in which there is bonding between the groups for the purpose of mutual and protection. Families, friendships, associations etc are included in these groups. Due to the formation of society and humans social links increases the bond between different people which is a human behavior. One of the bad behavior that every human being have is of greed and this behavior of human finishes them completely but due to society and links with different families and groups decreases the human greed of money or anything else. Due to increase of population and the urbanization, the people have started neglecting the social relationship and everyone is giving importance to the money rather than social relationship and behavior. Because of this, the rate of crime and deviant behavior of humans are found in cities. All these sociological effects have impacts on the behavior of the human beings and the social environment plays an important role in the development of the child which includes the attainment of full genetic and human potential. (Conklin, 2004) The biological and the psychological changes occurring in the human beings are basically during time period from birth and the end of adolescence. Genetic factors are the factors which are related to the genes of the child and also refer to the changes that occur at every point in growth. Social environment plays a very important role in the development of child and a new born baby do not experience any fear to contact with any specific people but after the time period of 8-12 months there is a change in them and they start to prefer the people who are familiar and also start showing the feelings like anxiety and distress when they are separated from their family members. Social environment helps the child to understand the social rules in the period of preschool and adulthood. The time period of middle childhood have the characteristics of friendship with age mates and also the beginning of romantic love. Another social effect on the child development is of bonding between the different groups of people and the idea of maintaining social relations develops in the child which helps him/her lifelong. There are various processes which are controlled genetically and they are known as maturation. Maturation is related to the mental and the physical development of the child and a child is said to be matured when he/she becomes capable of taking their own decisions and are well aware of the things which are good or bad for them. According to the some doctors and live examples it is seen that usually maturity comes at the age of 18 and the main thing to consider here is that is maturity comes from the social environment. All the social factors like relationship in society, working in society etc, helps in the attainment of complete genetic and the potential of human. But along with social environment there are factors which are known as individual environmental that affect the social behavior of human.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Buddha and the Buddhism based on the Journey to the West by Wu Chengen Research Paper
Buddha and the Buddhism based on the Journey to the West by Wu Chengen - Research Paper Example The reward is that they get admitted back to heaven. This description is in tandem with Christian principles of faith (Miller, 2006). Another depiction of Christianity is from the monkey king who eats the holy peaches. Like forbidden fruits portrayed in the bible, the monkey king eats these fruits reserved for special guest to heaven. He gets enlightened and for his acts, he is kicked out of the Heavenly Garden. A symbolic representation of what unfolded in the Garden of Eden (Miller, 2006). In the novel, Taoist heaven, found in China, coexist with Buddhist western paradise, implied in the novel as a location in India. Taoist gods like the Jade Emperor and Buddhist venerable like Buddha even consult and help one another. When the Jade Emperor becomes overwhelmed by the monkey king’s antics, he presents his lamentations to Buddha who subdues the monkey (Wilkinson and Teague, 2003). The Journey to the West relays a simplified and literalized ascetic Taoism in the Chinese popular origin. Taoist ascetics for instance consider that the final stage of discipline is to attain immortality (Fowler and Fowler, 2008). Since most Chinese were confused about elements of Taoism, this was simplified by popular legend as presented in the novel. As the monkey goes to see Taoist god, he steals pills from Taoist alchemy laboratory. The pills are to prolong life of a human being by a few thousand years (Kherdian and Wu, 1992). This becomes a simplified explanation of ascetics that is easily discernable by the Chinese. The gods of the different religions presented in the novel differ in hierarchies and roles. For instance, Jade Emperor is depicted as the ruler of Earth and Heavens, though he is not as supreme as Confucius, Buddha and Lao Tzu administratively. These gods are also subject to much superior universal forces. The folk heaven which the novel mainly draws from Taoist mythology is a model of the government of Chinese emperors (Flanagan, 2011). The Chinese folk heaven is therefore conveyed as bloated bureaucracy with numerous officials holding grandiose titles. This scenario is underscored by the rewards Xuanzang disciples receive after delivering the sutras. It is also worthy to note that these heavenly administrators are mortals whose virtues in their earthly lives got them their current positions (Cuevas and Stone, 2007). The different religions in Journey to the West find a striking balance and try to accommodate one another (Buswell, 1990). They are not into direct competition with one another. Buddha helps Jade Emperor when he is besieged by the monkey king, whereas Bodhisattva Kwan Yin plays an important role in the novel by helping the pilgrims when on very difficult situations. Although the disciples are promoted to heaven, Xuanzang remains on earth to translate the sutras.
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